B2B fintech

B2B fintech companies are often vital parts of the financial services and cross border payment transaction technology.

Payroll, Accounting FinTechs Capture VCs’ Attention
Payroll, Accounting FinTechs Capture VCs’ Attention
August 13, 2021  |  B2B Payments

B2B FinTech funding is gearing up to keep its venture capital funding ball rolling. Most recently, Stage 2 Capital announced the launch of an $80...

Investors, Innovators Flex Their Open Banking Muscles
Investors, Innovators Flex Their Open Banking Muscles
August 03, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Open banking continues to fuel the collaborative efforts of banks, credit unions (CUs), FinTechs and other innovators. This week’s deep dive into the space finds...

B2B Payments Take Center Stage With VCs
B2B Payments Take Center Stage With VCs
July 30, 2021  |  B2B Payments

B2B FinTech encompasses a broad array of technologies designed to optimize workflows for chief financial officers (CFOs) and other finance professionals, from payroll to procurement....

Corporate Spend Management Opens B2B FinTech Floodgates
Corporate Spend Management Opens B2B FinTech Floodgates
July 23, 2021  |  B2B Payments

B2B FinTech continues to thrive with venture capitalists, and this week, a clear winner emerged: corporate spend management. The roundup saw not one, but two...

B2B Investors Turn Spotlight On Commercial Cards, Alt-Lending
B2B Investors Turn Spotlight On Commercial Cards, Alt-Lending
July 09, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Investors are diversifying their B2B FinTech targets this week as startups operating in the B2B eCommerce and alternative business lending arena secured funding. Commercial card...

In The Push Against Cash, Cannabis FinTech Meets The Industry Where It Is
In The Push Against Cash, Cannabis FinTech Meets The Industry Where It Is
June 28, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Despite expanding legalization of cannabis, businesses operating legally in the space face no shortage of headaches when it comes to getting banked, accessing loans and...

Germany Showcases Europe’s B2B FinTech Funding Strengths
Germany Showcases Europe’s B2B FinTech Funding Strengths
June 25, 2021  |  B2B Payments

Europe’s startup funding ecosystem is booming, with the latest data signaling a combined $60.9 billion in new investments for startups in the region in the...

B2B eCommerce Platforms, B2B Payments Drive Startup Funding
B2B eCommerce Platforms, B2B Payments Drive Startup Funding
June 18, 2021  |  B2B Payments

B2B payments efficiencies are the goals for several of the B2B FinTechs that landed in this week’s venture capital roundup, with one FinTech targeting the...

B2B FinTech Investors Target SMB Banking, Business Payments To Talent
B2B FinTech Investors Target SMB Banking, Business Payments To Talent
June 11, 2021  |  B2B Payments

B2B FinTech caught a venture capital windfall this week with more than $906 million in fresh funding. Payroll and freelancer payment technologies caught the attention...