Baby Boomers

Gen Z Small Business Owners Get Personal for Business Loans
Gen Z Small Business Owners Get Personal for Business Loans
May 03, 2024  |  SMBs

At a time when every financial decision counts, many small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can at least take some comfort knowing there are a wide...

Young Consumers Turn to Credit to Manage Spending
Young Consumers Turn to Credit to Manage Spending
April 23, 2024  |  Personal Finance

While most consumers use credit to purchase products or services because of the rewards they can get for doing so, PYMNTS Intelligence reveals, younger shoppers are the only...

58% of Gen Z Shoppers Prefer Debit Cards for Online Shopping 
58% of Gen Z Shoppers Prefer Debit Cards for Online Shopping 
April 23, 2024  |  eCommerce

Few things must be as frustrating to an eCommerce merchant as cart abandonment. But, as PYMNTS Intelligence found in compiling its “How Preferred Payment Availability...

Boomers Lead Trend Toward Paying for Necessities With Subscriptions
Boomers Lead Trend Toward Paying for Necessities With Subscriptions
April 08, 2024  |  Payment Methods

When you think of subscriptions, an array of products and services likely come to mind.  From streaming services to pet foods to coffee pods to...

Got Leather? Almost a Third of Consumers Prefer Carrying Physical Wallet
Got Leather? Almost a Third of Consumers Prefer Carrying Physical Wallet
April 03, 2024  |  Mobile Wallets

Digital wallets — Apple Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal and more — give consumers a secure, convenient and contactless way to pay for purchases online and in person. Because...

Boomers Flip the Script on Storing Travel Docs in Digital Wallets
Boomers Flip the Script on Storing Travel Docs in Digital Wallets
March 29, 2024  |  Mobile Wallets

Are there any adults still out there who aren’t using digital wallets to securely store important documents? The answer is yes. There are many who...

Older Shoppers Demand to See Installment Plan Options Before Checkout
Older Shoppers Demand to See Installment Plan Options Before Checkout
March 27, 2024  |  Payment Methods

The lion’s share of shoppers wants merchants to let them know what installment plan options are available before the checkout process even begins, and older...

CFPB Head Puts Those Who Intend to ‘Weaponize’ Open Banking on Notice
CFPB Head Puts Those Who Intend to ‘Weaponize’ Open Banking on Notice
March 19, 2024  |  Banking

The U.S.’s top consumer protection watchdog is on the lookout for financial services industry players hoping to game open banking for their own benefit.  This...

Data Shows Digital Healthcare Platforms Get High Marks From Boomers
Data Shows Digital Healthcare Platforms Get High Marks From Boomers
March 07, 2024  |  Healthcare

Traditional healthcare systems are plagued by inefficiencies and opaque pricing structures, leaving consumers often feeling lost and frustrated. “Navigating a friction-filled healthcare system, not to mention the...