business banking

Why Faster Payments Don’t Have To Mean Faster Fraud
Why Faster Payments Don’t Have To Mean Faster Fraud
October 12, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

For all the buzz about the advent of real-time payments, and the various opportunities it can reportedly unlock, the lingering uneasiness is that speed also brings the potential for more fraud....

Small Businesses Draw The Line On Lack Of Digital Banking
Small Businesses Draw The Line On Lack Of Digital Banking
October 11, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Europe’s largest banks have landed in the hot seat, thanks to a recent Fortytwo Data report that found 90 percent had been sanctioned for money...

HSBC Integrates SMB, Personal Banking Services
HSBC Integrates SMB, Personal Banking Services
October 02, 2018  |  B2B Payments

HSBC is streamlining its banking services for clients with both a small business and personal account. In a press release on Tuesday (Oct. 2), HSBC...

US Bank Exec Retirement Triggers Big Reorg
US Bank Exec Retirement Triggers Big Reorg
September 06, 2018  |  Personnel

U.S. Bank announced that John Elmore, vice chairman of Community Banking & Branch Delivery, will retire, which has led to a major reorganization at the...

Real-Time Payments Begin To Turn Heads In Commercial Payments
Real-Time Payments Begin To Turn Heads In Commercial Payments
August 15, 2018  |  B2B Payments

A new survey released from TD Bank suggests that real-time payments technology is beginning to capture the attention of the corporate payments world. The finding...

Barclays Next To Tap Into FinTech With MarketInvoice Investment
Barclays Next To Tap Into FinTech With MarketInvoice Investment
August 03, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Barclays is the next traditional financial institution to strike a partnership with an alternative lender, announcing Thursday (Aug. 2) that it has invested in small...

Putting B2B Payments’ Biggest Fallacy In Context
Putting B2B Payments’ Biggest Fallacy In Context
August 02, 2018  |  B2B Payments

Speed? Not the most important thing when it comes to B2B payments. Turns out transparency is king, and according to Barry Rhodes, EVP and head...

Lloyds Accused Of ‘Victim Blaming’ In SMB Fraud Compensation Program
Lloyds Accused Of ‘Victim Blaming’ In SMB Fraud Compensation Program
July 30, 2018  |  Banking

U.K. financial institution Lloyds was criticized by lawmakers Monday (July 30) over its program to compensate small business victims of fraud related to the bank’s...

Blockchain Makes It Out Of Piloting — Now What?
Blockchain Makes It Out Of Piloting — Now What?
July 17, 2018  |  B2B Payments

The blockchain hype-machine is driven largely from the technology’s proponents that say they have an application of the tool for everything: payments, risk mitigation, contracts,...