card payments

New Corporate Payment Tricks For Old Rails
New Corporate Payment Tricks For Old Rails
February 25, 2020  |  B2B Payments

This week’s look at the latest in payment rail innovation finds solution providers largely embracing the opportunity to develop new technologies for legacy payment rails....

How FIs Can Win The Battle Against ‘Smarter’ Payments Fraud
How FIs Can Win The Battle Against ‘Smarter’ Payments Fraud
February 19, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

Not so long ago, payments cyber fraud was done primarily by brute force, through guessing passwords and usernames — a scattershot approach akin to trial...

Moving Travel Payments Into The Digital Age
Moving Travel Payments Into The Digital Age
January 31, 2020  |  Travel Payments

In the 21st century, for businesses across many verticals, disruption comes at the speed of digital. That’s especially true of the travel industry, where a...

12 Ways Consumers Will Pay (And Be Paid) In 2020
12 Ways Consumers Will Pay (And Be Paid) In 2020
December 24, 2019  |  Payment Methods

Past is prologue. For the annual holiday exercise at PYMNTS (describing the 12 main or most exciting ways to pay in 2019), it is clear...

Visa’s Bill Sheley On What’s Next For Push Payments
Visa’s Bill Sheley On What’s Next For Push Payments
December 23, 2019  |  B2B Payments

The last decade of payments innovation has developed new normals for senders and receivers of money that could not have been achieved — let alone...

Fed Data: Non-Cash Payments Grow 6.7 Pct Per Year From 2015-2018
Fed Data: Non-Cash Payments Grow 6.7 Pct Per Year From 2015-2018
December 19, 2019  |  Payment Methods

With the ongoing decline of checks, the growth of payments by debit and credit cards continued to speed up from 2015 to 2018, per Federal...

Jack Henry Debuts Card-To-Card Bill Pay
Jack Henry Debuts Card-To-Card Bill Pay
December 05, 2019  |  Payment Methods

Jack Henry & Associates has announced the launch of iPay CardPay, which enables its banks and credit unions “to provide near-real-time, card-funded bill payments using...

Mastercard Offers Fare Discounts, Refunds For Contactless Transit Payments
Mastercard Offers Fare Discounts, Refunds For Contactless Transit Payments
November 27, 2019  |  Mastercard

Mastercard has announced that it will refund cardholders up to $10 off their cab rides, every Tuesday through the end of the year (including New...

Tech Takes The Emotion Out Of Dispute Management
Tech Takes The Emotion Out Of Dispute Management
November 21, 2019  |  Credit Unions

Where there are credit card transactions, there are disputes. That’s especially true of transactions that happen in a card-not-present environment (as is increasingly the case),...