connected commerce

Voice Commerce Has a Long Way to Go in Retail
Voice Commerce Has a Long Way to Go in Retail
March 07, 2024  |  Voice Activation

Despite advancements in voice commerce, the technology still faces challenges driving penetration in the retail sector. By the Numbers PYMNTS Intelligence’s study last April, “Tracking...

Uber Eats Adds Live Location Sharing as Aggregators Compete to Reduce Friction
Uber Eats Adds Live Location Sharing as Aggregators Compete to Reduce Friction
March 07, 2024  |  Aggregators

As on-demand delivery aggregators race to offer the most easy, seamless customer experience, Uber Eats is adding live location sharing for hard-to-find deliveries. The aggregator announced Thursday...

Online Shoppers Who Skip Auto-Fill Subscriptions Want Control Over Their Time
Online Shoppers Who Skip Auto-Fill Subscriptions Want Control Over Their Time
March 05, 2024  |  eCommerce

For eCommerce customers who prefer to shop at will versus scheduling auto-fill deliveries, PYMNTS Intelligence reveals, having control over how they use their time each...

Gen Z and Millennials Want AI-Enabled Shopping Experiences
Gen Z and Millennials Want AI-Enabled Shopping Experiences
March 04, 2024  |  Artificial Intelligence

Many consumers may still be hesitant about the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in commerce, but PYMNTS Intelligence research has found that young consumers are...

Pinterest Launches Shoppable Streaming Series as Social Apps Monetize Content
Pinterest Launches Shoppable Streaming Series as Social Apps Monetize Content
February 23, 2024  |  eCommerce

As social media companies look for new ways to leverage contextual commerce to drive revenue, Pinterest is launching its first shoppable streaming series.  The company...

Mastercard Says Click to Pay Is Primed for Growth as Merchants Focus on Conversion
Mastercard Says Click to Pay Is Primed for Growth as Merchants Focus on Conversion
February 16, 2024  |  Connected Economy

Nearly five years after Click to Pay was introduced (initially as Secure Remote Commerce), Jennifer Marriner, EVP, Global Acceptance Solutions at Mastercard, told Karen Webster,...

Uber Eats Partners With Big Lots as Aggregators Expand Retail Presence
Uber Eats Partners With Big Lots as Aggregators Expand Retail Presence
November 22, 2023  |  Aggregators

Uber Eats is stepping up its non-restaurant offerings, getting into discount retail with its new partnership with Big Lots. Uber announced the aggregator’s addition of the retail...

Goldman Sachs Plans to Shed GM Card
Goldman Sachs Plans to Shed GM Card
November 08, 2023  |  Credit Cards

Goldman Sachs is reportedly hoping to offload its General Motors (GM) credit card program. The move, as reported Tuesday (Nov. 7) by the Wall Street...

Netflix’s Merchandise Moves Highlight the Rise of Connected, Contextual Commerce  
Netflix’s Merchandise Moves Highlight the Rise of Connected, Contextual Commerce  
October 02, 2023  |  Connected Economy

In 2018, writing about the ways in which mobile devices and technology changed the world, PYMNTS CEO Karen Webster noted: “In the three-plus decades since consumers...