Between smart speakers, smartphones and smart cars, speech has become an accepted and natural way to interact with electronics, both at home and on the...
“Smart House” used to be just a Disney Channel Original Movie; perhaps you watched it back in good old 1999, or remember having kids who...
Google is really taking control of its own destiny this week. It made moves to appease the European regulators who slapped it with a $2.7...
What’s better than being able to boss Alexa around at home? How about being able to boss her around everywhere else, too? It’s becoming possible...
The lines are blurring between competition and collaboration as Google reaches across enemy lines to partner with Apple. Or, if “partner” is too strong a...
In this week’s tracker, Amazon slowly spreads into trickier territory: prescription pharmaceuticals, smart glasses, and shipping alcohol (which is a logistical nightmare). It’s also made...
In an early move to leverage its relationship with Google, Nest has announced its latest indoor security camera, the Nest Cam IQ, will integrate the...
As consumers, payments and channels evolve, many traditional merchants have been holding onto solvency by their fingernails. Most would not call the experience “fun.” But,...
Apple won’t be building that self-driving car — or, at least, not the way it originally envisioned. It came to light last month that the tech...