Consumer Inflation Sentiment Report

Millennials Worry Less About Inflation and More About Paying Back Student Loans
Millennials Worry Less About Inflation and More About Paying Back Student Loans
July 07, 2023  |  Loans

United States consumers take out student loans in hopes that a college education for their children or themselves will contribute to a higher income later...

Most Consumers Now Only Carry Cash Out of Habit
Most Consumers Now Only Carry Cash Out of Habit
June 07, 2023  |  Consumer Payments

Inflation may be on a downward trajectory, but consumers do not think so, as perception affects their spending behaviors, prompting them to rethink how they...

40% of Retail Shoppers Have Switched to Cheaper Merchants to Save Money, Study Finds
40% of Retail Shoppers Have Switched to Cheaper Merchants to Save Money, Study Finds
May 05, 2023  |  Retail

Inflation has caused competition in retail and grocery to intensify as businesses fight for a smaller and smaller piece of the revenue pie. More than...

Brand Loyalty Falters as High Inflation Continues, Study Finds
Brand Loyalty Falters as High Inflation Continues, Study Finds
April 05, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

High inflation has made consumers cut back on everything but the necessities, and an unexpected characteristic has hit the chopping block: loyalty. PYMNTS’ data finds...

Deal Chasing Becomes Mainstream — and Merchants Shouldn’t Be Happy
Deal Chasing Becomes Mainstream — and Merchants Shouldn’t Be Happy
March 06, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

American consumers remain pessimistic about the economy despite recent positive indicators. Consumers still expect elevated inflation rates for the foreseeable future, even as inflation has...

60% of Renters Report Financial Health in Jeopardy Over High Housing Costs
60% of Renters Report Financial Health in Jeopardy Over High Housing Costs
February 03, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

For many Americans, owning a home or renting an apartment signifies financial stability and maturity, with Americans traditionally leaving home early and never looking back....

Consumers Skeptical of Government’s Inflation Optimism
Consumers Skeptical of Government’s Inflation Optimism
January 10, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported that inflation seems to be cooling, with price increases for fresh meat and vegetables slowing since Q2...

Study Finds Consumer’s Perception of Inflation Worse Than What Government Reports
Study Finds Consumer’s Perception of Inflation Worse Than What Government Reports
December 05, 2022  |  Consumer Finance

As inflation continues at rates not seen since the 1980s, consumers are growing increasingly anxious, especially because their perception of inflation is more extreme than...

October Inflation Report: A Third of US Consumers Now Struggle to Pay Bills
October Inflation Report: A Third of US Consumers Now Struggle to Pay Bills
November 09, 2022  |  Consumer Finance

Inflation has begun to show signs of slowing month after month but remains at levels not seen since 1981. Half of consumers say inflation has...