consumer insight

70% of Consumers Bought Food From Restaurants in July, Down From May Peak
70% of Consumers Bought Food From Restaurants in July, Down From May Peak
September 07, 2022  |  Consumer Insights

For restaurants, summer usually brings with it a rush of spending, with consumers enjoying the warm weather and splurging for meaningful dining experiences during their...

Tamara CEO Says Data Refutes BNPL’s Debt Trap Myth
Tamara CEO Says Data Refutes BNPL’s Debt Trap Myth
August 26, 2022  |  BNPL

At a time of growing investor concerns and a retracting investment landscape that has led to a dip in valuations of many global firms, it’s...

The ROI To FIs Of Protecting The Consumer’s Identity
The ROI To FIs Of Protecting The Consumer’s Identity
May 29, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

The basic rule of personal security has changed little since ancient times: A person’s home — or hut, cottage, hovel or flat — is that...

Millennials Have Lost Their Appetite For Eating Out
Millennials Have Lost Their Appetite For Eating Out
November 15, 2017  |  Retail

The problem with millennials is that they just won’t sit still and stick with the cultural definitions they’ve been given. Three years ago, millennials were...

Nike Is Becoming Less Cool For Generation Z
Nike Is Becoming Less Cool For Generation Z
October 12, 2017  |  Retail

Teen spending behavior is changing, according to recent findings from investment bank and asset management firm Piper Jaffray Companies’ semi-annual “Taking Stock With Teens” survey....

Ad Agencies Hit By “Digital Disruption,” Bits And Bytes Take Bites From Middlemen
Ad Agencies Hit By “Digital Disruption,” Bits And Bytes Take Bites From Middlemen
August 25, 2017  |  Earnings

London-based multinational advertising and public relations company WPP’s sneeze shows a flu spreading across the advertising sector, and the malaise is borne in part by...

How MicroWarehouses Make The Grocer
How MicroWarehouses Make The Grocer
April 10, 2017  |  Retail

Building the better consumer experience has become retail’s rallying call these days — though what exactly the “better experience” consists of is very much up for...

U.S. Consumer Spending Slips
U.S. Consumer Spending Slips
November 02, 2015  |  News

Analysts use every tool at their disposal to try to glean some insight from consumer behavior that retailers can use to plan their next moves,...

Consumers Don’t Believe Retailers Will Keep Data Safe
Consumers Don’t Believe Retailers Will Keep Data Safe
October 23, 2015  |  News

As more consumers give their personal data over to the retailers they buy from, protecting that information is a critical element of maintaining consumer confidence....