Nearly two decades ago, Disney debuted its “Smart House” movie in which a young boy wins a computerized home. At the time, it may have felt...
In its latest effort to keep up with its American big brother Amazon, China’s eCommerce giant Alibaba has announced the debut of its own smart...
360i asked Amazon Alexa and Google Home 3,000 questions and found out that the Home is (sometimes) smarter than Alexa — it all depends what...
If you tell Siri, “You’re fired,” she’ll come back with a quavering protest: “But, but…” That feeble protest may be the best Apple can offer...
Microsoft is getting into the voice-activated personal assistant market, teaming up with Harman International, a wholly owned subsidiary of Samsung Electronics, to roll out a...
Voice-activated AI is certainly having its moment in the sun. What was a concept mostly in the realm of science fiction a decade ago, is...
Two voice-activated giants have made themselves clear: No ads until we say so. The first was a major media story. Google had to step and...
Microsoft announced this week that Cortana, its voice assistant that it rolled out a year ago on Android and iOS devices in the U.S. and...