While the expanding adoption of EMV cards in the U.S. has helped to largely eliminate card-present counterfeit fraud at the physical point of sale, some...
Visa announced that since their inception, chip cards have reduced counterfeit fraud by 87 percent. “Chip cards are increasingly becoming the norm as usage and...
Visa said this week that as acceptance of EMV cards has gained traction in the U.S., counterfeit fraud, measured in dollars for these card present...
Data released by Visa on Wednesday (Aug. 29) showed that counterfeit fraud ticked down at U.S. merchants by 75 percent from September 2015 to March...
Visa announced that the growing number of chip cards and chip-enabled merchants has helped bring counterfeit fraud in the U.S. down by 76 percent. “Visa...
Visa, the payments company, revealed Monday (Dec. 18) in an infographic that counterfeit fraud is down in the U.S. at merchants that are using chip-enabled...