customer service

Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. The perception of success of such interactions is dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest".


Bots or No Bots About it, Human Empathy Primed for Customer Experience Comeback
Bots or No Bots About it, Human Empathy Primed for Customer Experience Comeback
March 23, 2022  |  Connected Economy

As customer service continues its evolution as an integral part of the broader customer experience (CX), companies have some things to learn, unlearn and relearn...

Thumbtack Concierge Service Aimed at Helping Home Improvement Pros
Thumbtack Concierge Service Aimed at Helping Home Improvement Pros
March 09, 2022  |  Merchant Innovation

Home management platform Thumbtack is launching a personalized concierge service to help small home improvement providers convert more customer inquiries into confirmed jobs and optimize their operations,...

Report: 57% of Consumers Say Voice Recognition, Fingerprint Scans Make Customer Service Experience Better
Report: 57% of Consumers Say Voice Recognition, Fingerprint Scans Make Customer Service Experience Better
February 23, 2022  |  Authentication

Most consumers hold accounts of some type, and virtually every account holder eventually needs to access or alter account information. Recent PYMNTS research found that...

CO-OP Financial Services: 2021 was the Year of Rethinking
CO-OP Financial Services: 2021 was the Year of Rethinking
January 12, 2022  |  Opinion

Hard times can serve as an effective catalyst for change. Todd Clark, president and CEO of CO-OP Financial Services, says smart credit unions used a...

Going Digital, But Staying Personal, Means Customer Considerations Must Come First
Going Digital, But Staying Personal, Means Customer Considerations Must Come First
October 08, 2021  |  Credit Unions

If you ask most credit unions to list their biggest competitive advantage that other financial players don’t have, you’d likely hear of their ability to...

As Chatbots Turn 50, Their Use And Development Is Still Growing
As Chatbots Turn 50, Their Use And Development Is Still Growing
July 14, 2021  |  Artificial Intelligence

Chatbots have come a long way from the early versions back in the 1960s — yes, the 1960s — such as ELIZA, who imitated a...

Credit Unions Leverage APIs In Quest for Innovation
Credit Unions Leverage APIs In Quest for Innovation
April 08, 2021  |  Credit Unions

In the age of digital-first banking, the application programming interface (API) is where it all happens. APIs can help financial institutions (FIs) introduce new products...

Visa’s Phalen: SMBs Remain Optimistic; Data Shows Digital Tools Bring New Customers
Visa’s Phalen: SMBs Remain Optimistic; Data Shows Digital Tools Bring New Customers
January 13, 2021  |  SMBs

The pandemic was a crushing blow for SMBs, with many of them pushed to the edge of survival and beyond. Still others rolled up their...

Walmart To Equip Employees With Customer Service App
Walmart To Equip Employees With Customer Service App
July 29, 2020  |  Retail

Walmart is giving customer-facing employees a new tool to help them answer shoppers’ questions. A smartphone app called “Ask Sam” will equip associates to look...