data brief

PYMNTS Data Brief: 90 Pct Of Consumers Want Better Bank App Authentication Controls
PYMNTS Data Brief: 90 Pct Of Consumers Want Better Bank App Authentication Controls
June 15, 2021  |  Authentication

We’re learning all about the digital-first consumers of 2021, especially their desire for real-time authentication control in mobile banking apps. The secret’s out — and,...

PYMNTS Data Brief: Nearly One-Quarter Of Past, Current Crypto Owners Have Paid With It
PYMNTS Data Brief: Nearly One-Quarter Of Past, Current Crypto Owners Have Paid With It
June 14, 2021  |  Cryptocurrency

Wherever one comes down on the debate around cryptocurrency as an investment, a currency or a hybrid of both, it’s captured the public imagination in...

PYMNTS Data Brief: 140 Million People Want Local SMB Rewards Run By Big Loyalty
PYMNTS Data Brief: 140 Million People Want Local SMB Rewards Run By Big Loyalty
June 11, 2021  |  Loyalty & Rewards

In any crisis, a sense of community infuses human emotion and behavior. It’s exactly the effect we’re seeing, but with a twist. New data reveals...

PYMNTS Data Brief: 84 Pct Of Consumers Expect New SMB Merchants To Guard Data
PYMNTS Data Brief: 84 Pct Of Consumers Expect New SMB Merchants To Guard Data
June 10, 2021  |  Safety and Security

The connected economy is being shadowed by a despicable construct: the fraud economy, where people aren’t the legit customers they pretend to be. The damage...

PYMNTS Data Brief: 88 Pct Of SMBs Innovated For Pandemic — And Many Are Continuing
PYMNTS Data Brief: 88 Pct Of SMBs Innovated For Pandemic — And Many Are Continuing
June 09, 2021  |  Innovation

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) took a beating from the pandemic, and things admittedly looked grim on Main Street in 2020. With COVID now in...

PYMNTS Data Brief: 88 Pct Of FIs Turn To AI For Post-Pandemic Credit Decisioning
PYMNTS Data Brief: 88 Pct Of FIs Turn To AI For Post-Pandemic Credit Decisioning
June 08, 2021  |  Artificial Intelligence

Credit risk decisioning is being called out as the biggest challenge facing banks and financial institutions (FIs) in a time of rebuilding. Banks and FIs...