
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Compliance Execs Forge Closer Ties With Corporate Buyers
Compliance Execs Forge Closer Ties With Corporate Buyers
January 24, 2019  |  B2B Payments

With third-party due diligence and supply chain security as increasingly critical components of organizations’ procurement operations, compliance executives are finding important positions in their firms’...

Google Disputes $57M EU GDPR Fine
Google Disputes $57M EU GDPR Fine
January 24, 2019  |  Google

Google has decided to dispute the €50 million fine handed down by French privacy regulators for allegedly failing to comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation...

Mastercard, Rockefeller Foundation Pledge $50M For Data Science
Mastercard, Rockefeller Foundation Pledge $50M For Data Science
January 22, 2019  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

The Rockefeller Foundation and the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, the two philanthropic arms of the organizations, announced a partnership on Tuesday (Jan. 22) called...

Deep Dive: Why Smart Cities Should Get Smart About Digital ID
Deep Dive: Why Smart Cities Should Get Smart About Digital ID
January 18, 2019  |  Authentication

By some accounts, approximately 70 percent of the world’s population will reside in smart cities by 2050. The following Deep Dive explores how digital IDs...

The Selfie’s Growing Up And Going Into Biometric Security
The Selfie’s Growing Up And Going Into Biometric Security
January 17, 2019  |  Authentication

Historically, smiles and other facial expressions have inspired painters and songwriters, engendered trust, given turbo-charged power to compliments and praise, and set the tone for...

Blockchain Makes Inroads Into Banking
Blockchain Makes Inroads Into Banking
January 16, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Banks are giving the nod to blockchain to aid in speeding trade finance, especially in Asia, where the government and industry associations have launched efforts. Elsewhere,...

OECD Sees Continued Decline In Global Economy
OECD Sees Continued Decline In Global Economy
January 15, 2019  |  Economy

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a consortium of 34 nations worldwide, has warned that the U.S. and other large economies are poised to...

How AP Can Tip The Scales In Favor Of Virtual Cards
How AP Can Tip The Scales In Favor Of Virtual Cards
January 10, 2019  |  B2B Payments

In the world of payments, rife with friction, there is no such thing as a silver bullet. Even when technologies come close to addressing multiple...

Kaspersky Doubles Down On Enterprise Cybersecurity In Asia
Kaspersky Doubles Down On Enterprise Cybersecurity In Asia
January 10, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Russian cybersecurity company Kaspersky Lab announced plans to grow its enterprise cybersecurity position in Asia through a partnership with MSI-ECS Philippines, according to BusinessWorld reports...