
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Today In Data: Offering Faster And Cheaper By Building More Stable And Secure
Today In Data: Offering Faster And Cheaper By Building More Stable And Secure
July 25, 2018  |  Today In Data

Capturing customer loyalty is not easy thing when customers are a fickle and mobile group. Offering better pricing is always a good starting point, but consumers –...

Automakers’ Data Ends Up Online For Anyone To See
Automakers’ Data Ends Up Online For Anyone To See
July 23, 2018  |  Safety and Security

Automakers trying to keep their trade secrets from unwanted eyes saw those efforts hurt after a security researcher found tens of thousands of corporate documents...

Today In Data: Going Big, Thinking Small
Today In Data: Going Big, Thinking Small
July 18, 2018  |  Today In Data

The marketplace of 2018 and its many opportunities are the favored fodder for optimists in the digital age. But a fast-growing world is a challenging...

Can TAGWALK Redefine Fashion Search?
Can TAGWALK Redefine Fashion Search?
July 10, 2018  |  Retail

Entrepreneurs are, as a rule, pretty excited about their ideas. They almost have to be, since the journey from idea to instantiation is arduous under...

Why Tokenized Data Remains Vulnerable
Why Tokenized Data Remains Vulnerable
July 09, 2018  |  Data

Beyond the buzzword that is tokenization, the reality is that replacing sensitive data with unique identifiers is not the bulletproof method that some may think...

Tapping And Securing Data To Accelerate Real Estate Lending
Tapping And Securing Data To Accelerate Real Estate Lending
July 02, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

In a world of breached consumer data, companies are taking new approaches to authenticating a consumer’s identity online. In the latest Digital Identity Tracker, Quicken...

How Quicken Loans Maps Data To Digital Identity
How Quicken Loans Maps Data To Digital Identity
June 29, 2018  |  Security & Fraud

News from the frontline of the digital fraud fight is mixed. A recent report found the number of data breaches dropped by 40 percent in...

Why Privacy Must Be Baked Into IoT Devices
Why Privacy Must Be Baked Into IoT Devices
June 21, 2018  |  Internet of Things

As consumers add more and more connected devices to their personal IoT networks, security and privacy are paramount. These networks are only as secure as...

Stuzo: Open Platforms Give Station Operators A Hand At The Pump
Stuzo: Open Platforms Give Station Operators A Hand At The Pump
June 12, 2018  |  Digital Payments

The gas station — and the convenience store — experience. Reimagined. One need no longer schlep out of the car to the pump, braving hail...