
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


The New Operating System for B2B: Payments, Software and Data
The New Operating System for B2B: Payments, Software and Data
May 28, 2024  |  B2B Payments

There’s no shortage of complexities when it comes to the business relationship between buyers and sellers. There are payment methods, terms, timelines and compliance issues, to name...

PayPal Building Ad Business Based on User Data
PayPal Building Ad Business Based on User Data
May 28, 2024  |  Data

PayPal is developing an advertising sales business built on its user data. The payments giant would create this ad network using data from user purchases...

Will FinCen’s Customer Identification Program Burden Banks and Consumers?
Will FinCen’s Customer Identification Program Burden Banks and Consumers?
May 24, 2024  |  Regulation

The fight between financial institutions and fraudsters is an eternal one, and a key battlefield remains identifying customers at the initial point of interaction and onboarding. In short, making...

European Data Protection Authorities to Investigate OpenAI’s ChatGPT
European Data Protection Authorities to Investigate OpenAI’s ChatGPT
May 24, 2024  |  Regulation

A task force of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) released a report that will guide member countries’ data protection authorities (DPAs) as they investigate OpenAI’s chatbot, ChatGPT. The report provides preliminary...

Transaction and Consumer-Level Data Help Personalize Card-Linked Rewards Programs
Transaction and Consumer-Level Data Help Personalize Card-Linked Rewards Programs
May 22, 2024  |  Data

Recent announcements from some marquee names in financial services, and commercial partnerships, underscore the use of data, down to the consumer level, in crafting ever-more-relevant...

OpenAI and Reddit Partner on Data Licensing, AI-Powered Features, Advertising
OpenAI and Reddit Partner on Data Licensing, AI-Powered Features, Advertising
May 16, 2024  |  Partnerships

OpenAI will be using Reddit content to train its artificial intelligence (AI) models. That’s one component of a new partnership formed by the AI company and the social media...

Lawmakers Urge Regulators to Make Financial Data More Accessible
Lawmakers Urge Regulators to Make Financial Data More Accessible
May 16, 2024  |  Regulation

Members of Congress from both houses and both parties sent a letter Tuesday (May 14) to the heads of eight federal financial regulatory agencies, urging them to implement the Financial...

VantageScore Unveils Credit-Scoring Model That Includes Alternative Open Banking Data
VantageScore Unveils Credit-Scoring Model That Includes Alternative Open Banking Data
May 15, 2024  |  Financial Inclusion

VantageScore unveiled a new credit-scoring model that uses both traditional credit data and alternative open banking data. The combination gives lenders a predictive lift of up...

Verizon Expects to Double Network Thanks to AI Demand
Verizon Expects to Double Network Thanks to AI Demand
May 14, 2024  |  artificial intelligence

Verizon Communications is reportedly placing a significant bet on artificial intelligence (AI) as its next major growth driver. The company, which is the largest retail wireless...