
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


The Digital Transformation of Levi Strauss in Latin America
The Digital Transformation of Levi Strauss in Latin America
September 16, 2022  |  Connected Economy

The digital shift is undeniable in many parts of Latin America that are among the most connected economies on the planet, but the cultures of...

Chili’s: To Keep Diners Spending, Don’t Scrimp on CX
Chili’s: To Keep Diners Spending, Don’t Scrimp on CX
September 15, 2022  |  Restaurant innovation

As food prices rise, consumers are proving still willing to spend their money on meaningful dining experiences, but restaurants are finding that they have work...

Spend Management Platforms Give Finance Chiefs On-Ramp to Firmwide Data Strategy
Spend Management Platforms Give Finance Chiefs On-Ramp to Firmwide Data Strategy
September 15, 2022  |  Data

“Data,” said Kevin Alexanderson, director of business systems and analytics at Airbase, “is ever-present and is overflowing.” But he told PYMNTS recently that data alone...

Deep Patient Data Powers Emerging Telehealth Marketplaces
Deep Patient Data Powers Emerging Telehealth Marketplaces
September 12, 2022  |  Healthcare

Telehealth is evolving from its current transitory state to a permanent fixture in the treatment matrix — and it’s being powered by deeper integration with...

How API Platforms Democratize Data, Enable Real-Time Experiences
How API Platforms Democratize Data, Enable Real-Time Experiences
September 09, 2022  |  API

“Financial infrastructure is still evolving. It’s still being modernized and is still being digitized,” Salman Syed, newly-appointed chief operating officer at Fidel API, told PYMTS...

FTC Sues Data Broker Kochava Over User Data Sale
FTC Sues Data Broker Kochava Over User Data Sale
August 29, 2022  |  Data

The Federal Trade Commission has filed a lawsuit against data broker Kochava for selling geolocation data that could be used to trace individuals’ movements, a...

Cash App, Block Accused of Negligence in Class Action Over Breach
Cash App, Block Accused of Negligence in Class Action Over Breach
August 25, 2022  |  Legal

A class action was filed against mobile payments company Cash App Investing and its parent Block over “negligent” behavior related to the December 2021 data breach...

Data brief: U.K. Consumers Encounter 11% More Shopping Friction Than the Average Consumer
Data brief: U.K. Consumers Encounter 11% More Shopping Friction Than the Average Consumer
August 22, 2022  |  Consumer Insights

Merchants in the U.K. need to step up their game when it comes to providing customers with the cross-channel and digital shopping features that can...

The Alarming Financial and Reputational Costs of Healthcare Data Breaches Keep Rising
The Alarming Financial and Reputational Costs of Healthcare Data Breaches Keep Rising
August 17, 2022  |  Healthcare

Healthcare is supposed to get us out of danger, not place us in harm’s way. The hard truth is that data breaches in the space...