
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


The Revival of Card-Linked Offers Rides on Receipts and Better Data
The Revival of Card-Linked Offers Rides on Receipts and Better Data
July 11, 2022  |  Data

Card-linked offers earned a bad rep for lack of relevance and basic customer knowledge, but that’s set to change in 2022 and going forward as...

Weekly TechREG EMEA: Big Tech Firms Faces New Online Platform Rules and Probes in Europe; ECB and BoE Raise Concerns About the Implementation of Crypto Regulation 
Weekly TechREG EMEA: Big Tech Firms Faces New Online Platform Rules and Probes in Europe;...
July 08, 2022  |  emea

This week, the EU parliament approved two landmark bills that will regulate online platforms, the Digital Markets Act and the Digital Services Act — but...

Data and AI Help Drivers Anticipate Future Car Repairs
Data and AI Help Drivers Anticipate Future Car Repairs
July 08, 2022  |  artificial intelligence

At a time when vehicles are in short supply and selling for record-high prices, consumers are choosing to keep their existing vehicles longer and invest...

Weekly TechREG US: Federal Agencies Respond to Biden’s Crypto Executive Order; Bank Regulators Urged Banks to Conduct Customer Due Diligence, Avoid De-risking Practices 
Weekly TechREG US: Federal Agencies Respond to Biden’s Crypto Executive Order; Bank Regulators Urged Banks...
July 08, 2022  |  Regulation

This week, the U.S. Treasury proposed to the White House a plan to strengthen international cooperation on crypto regulation to make sure that the country...

CFPB Bolsters Data Privacy, Cybersecurity Regulations
CFPB Bolsters Data Privacy, Cybersecurity Regulations
July 07, 2022  |  Regulation

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Thursday (July 7) handed down new data privacy and cybersecurity regulations to dictate how companies can use and...

Irish Privacy Regulator Closer to Blocking Meta Data Transfers
Irish Privacy Regulator Closer to Blocking Meta Data Transfers
July 07, 2022  |  Meta

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) is closer to taking steps that could suspend data transfers from the European Union to the U.S. by Facebook and...

New EU Council President Prioritizes AI, Chips, Digital Identity Legislation 
New EU Council President Prioritizes AI, Chips, Digital Identity Legislation 
July 07, 2022  |  Europe

On July 1, the Czech Republic took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union from France — and for the next six...

Mastercard SpendingPulse: US Retail Sales Up 9.5% YoY in June
Mastercard SpendingPulse: US Retail Sales Up 9.5% YoY in June
July 07, 2022  |  Retail

As prices continue to spike for essential items and shoppers continue to treat themselves with more leisure-based spending than they did during the height of...

85% of Merchants See Crypto as Path to Gain New Customers
85% of Merchants See Crypto as Path to Gain New Customers
July 05, 2022  |  Cryptocurrency

Gaining new customers and eliminating middlemen are the top two reasons why merchants are interested in accepting cryptocurrency or expanding their cryptocurrency payments options, according...