
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


PayPal’s Fraud Chief Says ‘Story-Based’ Analytics Can Fix eCommerce’s Weakest Link
PayPal’s Fraud Chief Says ‘Story-Based’ Analytics Can Fix eCommerce’s Weakest Link
July 05, 2022  |  eCommerce

The chain of command in eCommerce is made up of links. And those links go something like this:    A consumer registers with a merchant,...

15% of Restaurant Customers Are Regulars, Visiting Three or More Times a Week
15% of Restaurant Customers Are Regulars, Visiting Three or More Times a Week
July 05, 2022  |  Restaurant innovation

The greatest share of U.S. restaurant consumers visit restaurants once or twice a week.  Thirty-eight percent visit restaurants that often, according to “The Digital Divide,”...

Cities Delve Into Data to Connect Dots in Parking Puzzle
Cities Delve Into Data to Connect Dots in Parking Puzzle
July 04, 2022  |  B2B Payments

During the darkest days of the pandemic, two delivery trucks double-parked on an empty street were the least of our worries.  But now that we’ve...

PYMNTS AM Radar: Data Collection; Telemed for the Win; Revenge Travel; Mobile Centricity; ICYMI
PYMNTS AM Radar: Data Collection; Telemed for the Win; Revenge Travel; Mobile Centricity; ICYMI
June 30, 2022  |  Connected Economy

Today is Thursday, June 30 and if you work from home, today is your day — it’s National Work from From Home Day, celebrated the...

Payments Data Caught in Abortion Crosshairs
Payments Data Caught in Abortion Crosshairs
June 30, 2022  |  Data

With the overturning of Roe v. Wade and the illegality of abortion in several states, payments data is now in the crosshairs should prosecutors decide...

Calling Web3 Corrupted by VCs, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Pitches Web5
Calling Web3 Corrupted by VCs, Twitter Founder Jack Dorsey Pitches Web5
June 29, 2022  |  Blockchain

DEK: The Block CEO wants to build a decentralized web, but doesn’t believe the current vision of a blockchain-based internet — where people control their...

CFPB’s 2022 Spring Rulemaking Agenda: What’s In and Out 
CFPB’s 2022 Spring Rulemaking Agenda: What’s In and Out 
June 28, 2022  |  Regulation

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published on June 21 the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Spring 2022 regulatory agenda, and surprisingly, only five...

Racing to Digitize, Convenience Stores Playing Game of Loyalty Catch-Up
Racing to Digitize, Convenience Stores Playing Game of Loyalty Catch-Up
June 27, 2022  |  Connected Economy

As loyalty programs have taken hold across commerce categories, consumers increasingly expect to be rewarded for their spending. Yet, while some industries are on the...

Conference Highlights Growing Support for Standardized US EHR
Conference Highlights Growing Support for Standardized US EHR
June 27, 2022  |  Connected Economy

The move towards an interoperable national database of electronic health records (EHR) is advancing, as the public-private initiative is seeing large players step up to...