
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Supporting Finance Modernization, Without Ditching The Spreadsheet
Supporting Finance Modernization, Without Ditching The Spreadsheet
June 24, 2021  |  B2B Payments

As smaller businesses grow into medium-sized businesses, the sophistication of their financial management strategies must expand as well. Though there is a widespread push among...

Healthcare Providers Remain Surprisingly Lax On Data Protection
Healthcare Providers Remain Surprisingly Lax On Data Protection
June 22, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

There’s a reason that cybercriminals and hackers are so intent on grabbing all the data they can from healthcare facilities of all sizes: It’s worth...

Data Platform Crisp Believes The Solution To Food Supply Woes Is Cooperation
Data Platform Crisp Believes The Solution To Food Supply Woes Is Cooperation
June 21, 2021  |  Data

The food supply chain is due for an upgrade. Businesses and consumers alike are feeling the strain, with widespread shortages sending prices skyrocketing. Both the...

Wegmans Database Breach Exposed User Information
Wegmans Database Breach Exposed User Information
June 18, 2021  |  Security & Fraud

Wegmans Food Markets were hit with a database breach that exposed customers’ information — name, address, email, birth date — but no social security numbers...

PYMNTS Data Brief: 84 Pct Of Consumers Expect New SMB Merchants To Guard Data
PYMNTS Data Brief: 84 Pct Of Consumers Expect New SMB Merchants To Guard Data
June 10, 2021  |  Safety and Security

The connected economy is being shadowed by a despicable construct: the fraud economy, where people aren’t the legit customers they pretend to be. The damage...

Creative Use Of Data Is Subscription Services Only ‘Moat’
Creative Use Of Data Is Subscription Services Only ‘Moat’
June 04, 2021  |  Subscriptions

The conventional wisdom that every business needs a good “moat,” or a competitive barrier that sets them apart from the pack and keeps predators at...

Data Rails Anonymize Card Info Through Aliases And Data Teleportation
Data Rails Anonymize Card Info Through Aliases And Data Teleportation
June 03, 2021  |  Data

Data teleportation. It may sound like something out of “Doctor Who” or “The Fly” (hellllppp meee!) — a-“now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t” sleight of hand where information is...

Consumers Beware: There’s No Such Thing As A Free App
Consumers Beware: There’s No Such Thing As A Free App
June 01, 2021  |  Mobile Applications

There is an “old” saying often applied to social media and other digital products: If you’re using a service and not paying for it, then...

Solving B2B’s Payment And Data Problem
Solving B2B’s Payment And Data Problem
June 01, 2021  |  B2B Payments

In B2B, you cannot solve the payments problem without solving the data problem. They’re inextricably linked, especially when it comes to cross-border, large-ticket transactions. The...