
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


US Advises Against Storing Data Within Reach Of China’s Government
US Advises Against Storing Data Within Reach Of China’s Government
December 23, 2020  |  Data

The federal Department of Homeland Security is urging U.S. businesses and individuals to avoid storing data with Chinese companies due to the risk the country’s...

Finicity Expands Data Access Through APIs Via Agreement With Brex
Finicity Expands Data Access Through APIs Via Agreement With Brex
December 18, 2020  |  Data

A month after its purchase by Mastercard was cleared by the Department of Justice (DOJ), open banking platform Finicity announced on Friday (Dec. 18) that...

Five Key Takeaways For Big Tech From Europe’s Digital Services Act  
Five Key Takeaways For Big Tech From Europe’s Digital Services Act  
December 16, 2020  |  Europe

In Europe, it’s a shot across the bow for U.S. tech giants. New draft rules tied to the Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act...

Benetton Group Teams With Retail Intelligence Firm EDITED
Benetton Group Teams With Retail Intelligence Firm EDITED
December 16, 2020  |  Retail

Benetton Group, an Italian fashion company, is teaming once more with retail market intelligence firm EDITED as a “necessary platform” for its future three-year roadmap,...

Ireland Levies Near $550K Fine Against Twitter For Violating GDPR Rules
Ireland Levies Near $550K Fine Against Twitter For Violating GDPR Rules
December 15, 2020  |  Data

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) concluded its investigation into Twitter and determined that the U.S. social media giant violated the European Union’s General Data Protection...

Return To Sender: Bad Address Data Costs U.S. Businesses Billions
Return To Sender: Bad Address Data Costs U.S. Businesses Billions
December 15, 2020  |  Authentication

Elvis Presley’s 1960s hit “Return to Sender” might have been about a lover’s spat, but in real life, the impact of “no such person, no such...

AWS Unveils Amazon HealthLake Data Services For Healthcare Industry
AWS Unveils Amazon HealthLake Data Services For Healthcare Industry
December 09, 2020  |  Healthcare

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has launched Amazon HealthLake, a data services unit aimed at helping healthcare organizations store and analyze their data. Amazon HealthLake will...

Real-Time Data Closes Buyer/Seller B2B Payments Gap
Real-Time Data Closes Buyer/Seller B2B Payments Gap
November 25, 2020  |  B2B Payments

In B2B payments, the path to making transactions as seamless and invisible as possible is often about closing the gap that separates buyer and supplier....

Benchmarking Subscription Commerce’s KPIs
Benchmarking Subscription Commerce’s KPIs
November 25, 2020  |  Subscriptions

Like patients who avoid going to the doctor because they don’t want any bad news, online sellers who aren’t rigorously and continuously analyzing their customer...