
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


How TripAdvisor Put The Kibosh On 1M Fake Reviews With Machine Learning
How TripAdvisor Put The Kibosh On 1M Fake Reviews With Machine Learning
December 23, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Reviews are a critical part of the online travel economy, with online shoppers poring over feedback to decide which companies to patronize. But false reviews...

Hackers Access Unsecured Facebook Database With 267M Users’ Info 
Hackers Access Unsecured Facebook Database With 267M Users’ Info 
December 20, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

Security researcher Bob Diachenko and Comparitech discovered that a Facebook database with 267 million user IDs, phone numbers and names was left unsecured and accessed...

Why Rent The Runway Wants To Become The Amazon Prime Of Retail
Why Rent The Runway Wants To Become The Amazon Prime Of Retail
December 20, 2019  |  Retail

A decade ago, the concept of building a retail operation around shopping in other people’s closets was something of a hard sell. In 2009, the...

Can Data Driven Lending Displace VC Funding For Some Firms?
Can Data Driven Lending Displace VC Funding For Some Firms?
December 17, 2019  |  Loans

Running a small business is not for the faint of heart — or the deeply optimistic. The numbers, as offered by the U.S. Bureau of...

Data Standardization’s Path To Faster Supplier Payments
Data Standardization’s Path To Faster Supplier Payments
December 13, 2019  |  B2B Payments

One can’t move money without moving information — a fact that’s particularly true for the B2B payments space, in which remittance and transaction data is...

Inside N26’s Strategy to Win US Customers
Inside N26’s Strategy to Win US Customers
December 13, 2019  |  Digital Banking

Challenger banks with a couple of operating years behind them are beginning to get a taste of the problems they handed to legacy banking institutions....

Why Securing Digital Transactions Is On Every Merchant’s Wish List
Why Securing Digital Transactions Is On Every Merchant’s Wish List
December 12, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

While dealing with fraud has always been a cost of doing business for merchants, the digital age has changed the game in terms of fighting...

Fifth Third’s Two Cents On Treasury APIs
Fifth Third’s Two Cents On Treasury APIs
December 10, 2019  |  API

Financial institutions (FIs) are locked in competition as they seek to serve the $38 trillion global business-to-business (B2B) payments sector, which could use some major...

Top News In Payments: Goldman To Launch Robo Advisor; Regulators Want Monitoring Of Big Tech Data Use
Top News In Payments: Goldman To Launch Robo Advisor; Regulators Want Monitoring Of Big Tech...
December 09, 2019  |  News

In today’s top news in payments, Goldman plans to launch a robo advisor for clients with lower investment capital than traditional customers, and Apple plans...