
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Digital Health Investments Fall 19 Pct In Q1
Digital Health Investments Fall 19 Pct In Q1
April 19, 2019  |  Investments

A new report has revealed that investments in digital health startups fell 19 percent in the first quarter of 2019. Data from Mercom Capital Group...

The Latest Advances In Payments And Fraud Prevention
The Latest Advances In Payments And Fraud Prevention
April 18, 2019  |  Today In Data

Point-of-sale financing just got a big boost via an acquisition that could lead to more payment synergies down the road. Meanwhile, the new world envisioned by...

Next Steps In Payments And Privacy
Next Steps In Payments And Privacy
April 17, 2019  |  Today In Data

As the Internet of Things expands, new questions are emerging about consumer privacy. New thinking, meanwhile, is evolving around the use of credit card rewards....

French Gov’t Sees Blockchain As A ‘Priority’
French Gov’t Sees Blockchain As A ‘Priority’
April 17, 2019  |  B2B Payments

France joins the roster of governments examining blockchain as a conduit to changing how services and payments are rendered. Elsewhere, blockchain sees increasing adoption in the...

Facebook Said To Use User Data To Fight Rivals
Facebook Said To Use User Data To Fight Rivals
April 17, 2019  |  Facebook

Leaked documents show how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg used the company’s user data to bolster his site’s power, as well as fight off competitors. NBC News...

Digital Dangers And Solutions
Digital Dangers And Solutions
April 16, 2019  |  Today In Data

There’s a double-barreled threat pointed toward financial institutions, and now warnings are increasing about shadow banking. Meanwhile, there are moves afoot to remove friction from...

UK Regulator: Stop Pushing Kids Into Apps
UK Regulator: Stop Pushing Kids Into Apps
April 16, 2019  |  Regulation

The U.K.’s tech regulator, the ICO, wants companies like Facebook and Snap to stop enticing kids to their websites and apps. According to The Financial...

Cost, Convenience And Collaboration: Three Cs Of Modern Commerce
Cost, Convenience And Collaboration: Three Cs Of Modern Commerce
April 15, 2019  |  Today In Data

Consumers in the digital era want it both ways: In one context, they want to do it all for themselves and act as their own...

Boosting The Good Growth And Killing The Weeds
Boosting The Good Growth And Killing The Weeds
April 12, 2019  |  Today In Data

As flowers are blooming in real gardens for spring, innovative ideas are blooming metaphorical gardens in payments and commerce. Things are getting faster and easier...