
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Cards On File Cut eCommerce Friction
Cards On File Cut eCommerce Friction
April 02, 2019  |  Today In Data

Storing a card on file is an integral part of the shopping experience for many consumers, as eCommerce continues to explode across the retail landscape....

Global Demand Grows For Instant Payments
Global Demand Grows For Instant Payments
April 01, 2019  |  Today In Data

Woody Allen once supposedly said 80 percent of success is just showing up. Beyond that, in business and in life, showing up on time counts...

Trust Cements Consumers To The Credit Union
Trust Cements Consumers To The Credit Union
March 29, 2019  |  Today In Data

To keep them coming back, get them to trust you – and work to keep that trust. That’s a wise maxim to follow in any...

Platform Economy’s Strong Growth, Based On Trust
Platform Economy’s Strong Growth, Based On Trust
March 28, 2019  |  Today In Data

The platform economy is global in scope, spanning countries, borders, languages and currencies. Digital meeting places, you might call them – bringing buyers and sellers together...

Subscribing To The Subscription Model
Subscribing To The Subscription Model
March 27, 2019  |  Today In Data

Across the pond, and here, too, subscriptions are big business – to the tune of one billion pounds. The model helps keep the top line humming...

Google Parent Firm Creates AI Ethics Committee
Google Parent Firm Creates AI Ethics Committee
March 27, 2019  |  Google

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is giving rise to more questions about its ethical use. Now, Google’s parent company, Alphabet, is creating what Reuters...

The Money Laundering Cycle Spins On
The Money Laundering Cycle Spins On
March 26, 2019  |  Today In Data

It’s a $2 trillion problem, according to stats, and global in scope. Money laundering is big business and the recovered funds are scant, which begs a...

Netchex, Delaget Team Up For Restaurant Payroll Data Integration
Netchex, Delaget Team Up For Restaurant Payroll Data Integration
March 26, 2019  |  B2B Payments

Human capital management firm Netchex and restaurant business management technology provider Delaget are teaming up to promote data integration for the restaurant sector, with a...