
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


How Regulatory Concerns Are Sparking Digital Innovation
How Regulatory Concerns Are Sparking Digital Innovation
March 25, 2019  |  Today In Data

As the U.S. federal government tries to stem fraud and other losses in benefit programs, a new mobile app might just provide a way to...

Customer Awareness Is Key For PSD2 Adoption In The Netherlands
Customer Awareness Is Key For PSD2 Adoption In The Netherlands
March 25, 2019  |  Regulation

The implementation of PSD2 represents an opportunity for countries to overhaul their financial infrastructures, forcing them to upgrade older systems so businesses and FIs can...

New IoT Security Bill Exposes Rising Data Protection, Safety Concerns
New IoT Security Bill Exposes Rising Data Protection, Safety Concerns
March 25, 2019  |  Intelligence of Things

Approximately 20 billion IoT-enabled devices will be connected by 2020. These items are fast, handle an increasingly large amount of personal and financial data and...

British Airways Employees Say Call Center Data Not Secure
British Airways Employees Say Call Center Data Not Secure
March 24, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

Current and former staff at British Airways, the U.K. airliner, told The Financial Times this weekend that data has been handled insecurely and has been...

The Complicated Role Of Speed In Payments And Commerce
The Complicated Role Of Speed In Payments And Commerce
March 22, 2019  |  Today In Data

Faster payments is starting to make a splash in healthcare — thought as one source cautions, innovation in B2B payments is about more than “getting faster.” Speed...

Facebook Unencrypted User Password Problem Spanned Years
Facebook Unencrypted User Password Problem Spanned Years
March 21, 2019  |  Facebook

The passwords of between 200 million and 600 million Facebook users were stored in plain text and searchable by thousands of Facebook employees for years,...

How Payments (And Healthcare) Drive Digital Innovation
How Payments (And Healthcare) Drive Digital Innovation
March 21, 2019  |  Today In Data

There is a gap between what merchants say they want to do toward innovation and what they actually do — and from that gap come insights into retail...

What Makes For Real Change In Payments?
What Makes For Real Change In Payments?
March 20, 2019  |  Today In Data

Cash may never really die, but that doesn’t mean speed enabled by digital technology isn’t playing a varied role in payment change and innovation. As...