
Data are individual units of information. A datum describes a single quality or quantity of some object or phenomenon. In analytical processes, data are represented by variables. Although the terms "data", "information" and "knowledge" are often used interchangeably, each of these terms has a distinct meaning.


Stops, Starts And Never Was Edition: Intuit, Zillow And Amazon
Stops, Starts And Never Was Edition: Intuit, Zillow And Amazon
March 04, 2019  |  Data Dive

Followers of the regular news cycle will note that between the action on Capitol Hill and in North Korea, the flow of news was a...

Consumers Crave Convenience, But Focus On Safety
Consumers Crave Convenience, But Focus On Safety
March 04, 2019  |  Today In Data

There is no shortage of things to worry about in the world of cybersecurity. From data breaches to fraudsters creating synthetic IDs using children’s Social Security numbers,...

Growing Strong: The Theme Of Early 2019
Growing Strong: The Theme Of Early 2019
March 01, 2019  |  Today In Data

While worries about the domestic and global economies loom large, the story on the Street in early 2019 is mostly about growing forward, instead of...

Bitcoin Daily: JPMorgan Trials Ethereum Tech; Japan Sees Rise In Crypto Money Laundering
Bitcoin Daily: JPMorgan Trials Ethereum Tech; Japan Sees Rise In Crypto Money Laundering
March 01, 2019  |  Bitcoin

JPMorgan Chase is testing out a zero-knowledge privacy solution called AZTEC. Developed by a London startup of the same name, AZTEC offers encryption of blockchain...

Amazon India Rival Reliance Can’t Share Consumer Data
Amazon India Rival Reliance Can’t Share Consumer Data
February 28, 2019  |  eCommerce

The chairman of Reliance Industries has run into a hitch in his quest to take on Amazon in India and become the biggest eCommerce company...

Picking Up The Pace Of Payments To Stay Competitive
Picking Up The Pace Of Payments To Stay Competitive
February 28, 2019  |  Today In Data

Consumers have been trained – by Venmo and other P2P payments providers in the U.S. and around the world – to expect to be able...

Equifax Chief Hit By Identity Theft Three Times
Equifax Chief Hit By Identity Theft Three Times
February 28, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

Equifax CEO Mark Begor revealed that he has been the victim of identity theft three times in the past 10 years during a privacy hearing...

FTC Fines TikTok $5.7M Over Alleged Child Data Collection
FTC Fines TikTok $5.7M Over Alleged Child Data Collection
February 27, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

TikTok has been fined a record $5.7 million by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over the illegal collection of data from children, the FTC said...