
Debt is an obligation that requires one party, the debtor, to pay money or other agreed-upon value to another party, the creditor. Debt is a deferred payment, or series of payments, which differentiates it from an immediate purchase.


When Consumers Are Remote, Banks And Credit Unions Come To Them
When Consumers Are Remote, Banks And Credit Unions Come To Them
April 29, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Consumers facing job insecurity and COVID-19 stay-at-home orders are rethinking when and how they make payments, and FIs must respond. David Vélez, founder and CEO...

In Brazil, Banking Customers Turn To Debit, Digital Banking
In Brazil, Banking Customers Turn To Debit, Digital Banking
April 28, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

The coronavirus pandemic has left consumers staying home when possible to stop the virus’s spread. It has also made them wary of taking on debt...

CUs Saw Overall Credit Spending Drop 31.3 Pct in YOY Weekly Data, PSCU Says
CUs Saw Overall Credit Spending Drop 31.3 Pct in YOY Weekly Data, PSCU Says
April 21, 2020  |  Credit Unions

Credit union service organization PSCU has updated its weekly transaction analysis from Owner credit union members to reflect the impact of the coronavirus, finding that...

A Critical Look At Debit Routing
A Critical Look At Debit Routing
April 02, 2020  |  Payment Methods

Debit has never been more popular with U.S. consumers, who made almost 73 billion non-prepaid debit card transactions in 2018 – and the final 2019...

Why Next-Gen Grocery Shopping Could Be Checkout-Free
Why Next-Gen Grocery Shopping Could Be Checkout-Free
March 31, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Long checkout lines during peak hours result in nearly 11 percent of supermarket customers abandoning purchases. In this month’s Next-Gen Debit Tracker, Chief Business Officer...

HSBC On How Banking APIs Help Businesses Pay Faster, Invest Better
HSBC On How Banking APIs Help Businesses Pay Faster, Invest Better
March 05, 2020  |  API

B2B application programming interfaces (APIs) aren’t just for large enterprises anymore — middle-market firms and SMBs now realize their potential for enabling low-cost access to...

Deep Dive: Why Staffing Agencies Must Consider Payroll Cards
Deep Dive: Why Staffing Agencies Must Consider Payroll Cards
March 02, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Employers that cannot quickly adjust their staffing levels to meet customer demand fluctuations and workers’ life shifts may find themselves in a bind. Retailers often...

ADP: Winning Gen Z Employees With Faster, Flexible Payroll
ADP: Winning Gen Z Employees With Faster, Flexible Payroll
February 27, 2020  |  Next-Gen Debit

Businesses and governments want the speed and convenience of issuing and accepting digital payments, but, at the same time, they cannot afford to alienate cash-dependent...

PSCU Reports Higher Debit, Credit Sales During Holidays
PSCU Reports Higher Debit, Credit Sales During Holidays
February 06, 2020  |  Credit Unions

PSCU, the payments credits union service organization (CUSO), reported significantly higher year-over-year growth than expected during the holidays, with a 7.86 percent increase in debit...