
Retail Expert Paco Underhill Says Boomer Purchasing Power Creates Loyalty Opportunity for Brands
Retail Expert Paco Underhill Says Boomer Purchasing Power Creates Loyalty Opportunity for Brands
June 17, 2024  |  Retail

With older consumers — those with the most cash to burn — proving to be more loyal than their younger counterparts, brands that can win...

Urban-Rural Divide in Digital Healthcare Participation Continues to Grow
Urban-Rural Divide in Digital Healthcare Participation Continues to Grow
December 13, 2023  |  Healthcare

When it comes to digital healthcare, consumers living in urban areas continue to increase their engagement, but those in rural areas are beginning to pull...

Gen Z Alone in Reporting Improved Finances This Year
Gen Z Alone in Reporting Improved Finances This Year
December 08, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

The unemployment rate is at pre-pandemic levels and inflation has dropped from 9.1% in July 2022 to 3.2% in October 2023, according to the Bureau...

Millennials Have the Most Difficulties Making Ends Meet
Millennials Have the Most Difficulties Making Ends Meet
November 17, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. They entered the workforce during the economic recession that followed the 2008 crash. They endured years of job...

Why Seniors’ Surprisingly Strong Spending Power Starts at Home
Why Seniors’ Surprisingly Strong Spending Power Starts at Home
July 25, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

Paid-off homes and higher savings cushions could be behind the elder generation’s purchasing abilities. Even as they ease out of their peak earning power, baby...

Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
Data and Better Loan Terms Help Credit Unions Win Millennial Business
July 17, 2023  |  Credit Unions

As inflation remains stubbornly in place and credit gets ever more expensive, credit unions may have a secret weapon. Scott Young, managing VP of Emerging...

Cost-of-Living Spikes Hit Higher Earners Hardest
Cost-of-Living Spikes Hit Higher Earners Hardest
July 10, 2023  |  Consumer Finance

Covering costs amid higher prices have left consumers across income levels stretching their budgets — even among those in the highest earning brackets. The share...

Why Digital Mainstream Baby Boomers Are a Merchant’s Golden Demographic
Why Digital Mainstream Baby Boomers Are a Merchant’s Golden Demographic
April 12, 2023  |  Consumer Insights

As the business world looks for new ways to court millennials and Gen Z, baby boomers get somewhat overlooked, and that’s a missed opportunity given...

Consumer Demographics Determine Payment Preferences, Says European Central Bank
Consumer Demographics Determine Payment Preferences, Says European Central Bank
January 06, 2023  |  Payment Methods

The way consumers shop and pay has been clearly digitized in recent years. There are dozens of reports and surveys that attest to this fact,...