digital security

Digital Security refers to various ways of protecting computer's internet account and files from intrusion by an outside user.


The Reality Of Real ID
The Reality Of Real ID
January 07, 2019  |  Authentication

At times, it seemed it would not get this far: the Real ID Act. States resisted the post-9/11 authentication law, and sought extensions to its...

InfoSec CTO: How To Improve The Privacy IQ Of Smart Devices
InfoSec CTO: How To Improve The Privacy IQ Of Smart Devices
January 04, 2019  |  Security & Fraud

When it comes to the world of cybercrime touching the connected smart devices that consumers are increasingly using, it is easy to come across some...

How To Fight Online Fraud: Ruin Cybercrime’s ROI
How To Fight Online Fraud: Ruin Cybercrime’s ROI
January 04, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Let’s get a few things straight, a couple of points that might go against what every payments and commerce professional knows, but which will be...

What Lies Beneath: FIs’ Biggest Cyberthreat
What Lies Beneath: FIs’ Biggest Cyberthreat
January 03, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Well, let’s start with the bad news first, even at the risk of robbing some of the joy and optimism that comes with the new...

Two-Thirds Of Patients Use Passwords For Healthcare Authentication: Why?
Two-Thirds Of Patients Use Passwords For Healthcare Authentication: Why?
December 18, 2018  |  Authentication

Authentication can take effort, but consumers don’t want to deal with complex logins — even when dealing with their most sensitive accounts, like those containing...

Chip Implants Raise Security Concerns
Chip Implants Raise Security Concerns
October 29, 2018  |  Fraud Prevention

There may come a day, a generation or two from now, when stories about the data breaches and other hacking threats faced by payments and...

A Bundle Of Contradictions: The Online Privacy Landscape
A Bundle Of Contradictions: The Online Privacy Landscape
August 10, 2018  |  Ecosystems

At first glance, 2018 is shaping up to be a year that has brought meaningful consumer, regulatory and legislative backlash against lax online privacy. Europe’s...

European Commission Looking Into Thales’ Proposed Acquisition Of Gemalto
European Commission Looking Into Thales’ Proposed Acquisition Of Gemalto
July 23, 2018  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

Gemalto, the digital security company that is being acquired by Thales, the French aerospace and defense company, will see the European Commission launch an in-depth...

Matching Digital Security To Digital Services
Matching Digital Security To Digital Services
June 11, 2018  |  Today In Data

Consumers are leading lives that are increasingly digitally mediated, particularly as their commerce lives are increasingly defined by multichannel interactions. There are a lot of...