
E-commerce is the activity of electronically buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Let Traditional State-Run Banks Create Online Units, Says China Central Bank Researcher
Let Traditional State-Run Banks Create Online Units, Says China Central Bank Researcher
June 19, 2015  |  International

Upstart financial institutions have been using technology to encroach on areas typically the province of China’s state-run banks, according to a senior central bank researcher....

J.C. Penney Likes Its Store Count Just Fine As eCommerce Beckons
J.C. Penney Likes Its Store Count Just Fine As eCommerce Beckons
June 12, 2015  |  News

J.C. Penney, the once marquee retailer/department store that until quite recently had fallen on hard times combating the double-edged sword of high store count and...