
2018: The Year Of Evolution In Payments’ Revolution
2018: The Year Of Evolution In Payments’ Revolution
December 20, 2018  |  Commentary

In life, change is the only constant, so why should it be different for payments? From cash to digital, from plastic cards to mobile wallets,...

Getting Out Of The B2B Payments Slog
Getting Out Of The B2B Payments Slog
September 27, 2018  |  B2B Payments

  The last mile. The concept has a finality to it, a sense of completion. But in business, as in any endeavor that spans time,...

Mid-Year 2018: Payments Execs Map Out What’s Next
Mid-Year 2018: Payments Execs Map Out What’s Next
July 02, 2018  |  Innovation

The calendar shows 2018 is half over – but, of course, innovation within the payments space follows no timetable. We asked several stakeholders across processing,...

GDPR Becomes Reality, Consumer Data Becomes Global
GDPR Becomes Reality, Consumer Data Becomes Global
May 28, 2018  |  Data

It was a long time coming, but it’s here. As the world knows by now, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect on...

Blockchain: Payments Execs Unpack The Hope From The Hype
Blockchain: Payments Execs Unpack The Hope From The Hype
May 25, 2018  |  Blockchain

You know blockchain is about more than bitcoin, but what else do you know? We queried some of the most notable names in payments to...

40 Global Leaders Show Us Payments’ Future
40 Global Leaders Show Us Payments’ Future
February 14, 2018  |  Commerce

A good forecast is a notoriously difficult thing to write – particularly if one is trying to write it about the payments and commerce ecosystem....

52 Mondays, 52 Conversations, 52 Ways Of Looking At Payments
52 Mondays, 52 Conversations, 52 Ways Of Looking At Payments
December 26, 2017  |  Karen Webster

No year in payments is exactly alike – perhaps conversation is the only constant. 2017 was epic, from Amazon to bitcoin to hillbillies to Walmart,...

2017 In Payments: The Year Of …
2017 In Payments: The Year Of …
December 15, 2017  |  Executive Insights

A lot can happen in a year. What makes one stand out from another? How shall 2017 go down in the history books? Search Google...

Swedish Company Creeps In On Audible’s Territory
Swedish Company Creeps In On Audible’s Territory
June 16, 2017  |  Retail

As the tech world takes over most everyday activities, the publishing world is no different. Forget shopping in brick-and-mortar bookstores for your next read, audio...