
Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages between people using electronic devices. Email entered limited use in the 1960s, but users could only send to users of the same computer, and some early email systems required the author and the recipient to both be online simultaneously, similar to instant messaging.


Movable Ink Syncs Contextual Email Tech With Loyalty
Movable Ink Syncs Contextual Email Tech With Loyalty
April 07, 2017  |  Retail

Email isn’t known as the most fresh-faced or nimble communication channel retailers and brands can leverage to interact with and market to their customers, but...

Tech, Global Network Of Merchants Can Combat Ecommerce Fraud
Tech, Global Network Of Merchants Can Combat Ecommerce Fraud
March 13, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

Emailage, the email risk assessment company, has found that during 2016 $1 billion in fraud was stopped by using technology and a syndicated network of...

Email, Social Media King For Retail Marketers
Email, Social Media King For Retail Marketers
February 09, 2017  |  Retail

While most retail marketers have similar goals in 2017 in terms of enhancing consumer engagement and increasing sales, the online realm of marketing outreach remains...

IRS Warns Of Revamped W-2 Email Scam
IRS Warns Of Revamped W-2 Email Scam
February 07, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Internal Revenue Service recently issued a warning to U.S. employers and taxpayers to take additional cybersecurity precautions in the wake of new developments in...

Facebook Rolls Out Delegated Recovery To Circumvent Email
Facebook Rolls Out Delegated Recovery To Circumvent Email
January 31, 2017  |  Facebook

Facebook wants to improve the process to recover an account other than via email, announcing an account recovery system for website operators called Delegated Recovery....

Rio TInto Exec Ousted in Payments Inquiry
Rio TInto Exec Ousted in Payments Inquiry
November 10, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Mining company Rio Tinto announced Wednesday (Nov. 9) that one of its executives has left the company, and another one was suspended due to an...

US Government .Gov Email Addresses Targeted
US Government .Gov Email Addresses Targeted
August 22, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

The U.S. government has long been a prime target for hackers, both in the U.S. and overseas, and apparently, hackers were busy this past weekend,...

UK Freshman College Students Target Of Email Scam
UK Freshman College Students Target Of Email Scam
August 15, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Hackers are preying on freshman college students in the U.K., tricking them into clicking on a link to update their information that could lead to...