European Union

The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km² and an estimated total population of about 447 million.


Europe Digs Deeper Into Its Pockets – Cash Still There
Europe Digs Deeper Into Its Pockets – Cash Still There
June 22, 2016  |  Cash

Slimming consumer wallets could indicate cash is fast disappearing. But is it? With over €2.2 trillion in cash projected to be in use across the...

EU Won’t Regulate Blockchain — For Now
EU Won’t Regulate Blockchain — For Now
April 27, 2016  |  Blockchain / Distributed Ledger

The European Union has decided it won’t take a formal stance on regulating blockchain, at least for now. According to the EU parliamentary committee, now is...

Uber’s Digital Economy Regulatory Battle Heats Up
Uber’s Digital Economy Regulatory Battle Heats Up
February 11, 2016  |  International

French taxi drivers staged a three-day protest, which was marked with burning tires on main streets of the city and clashes with the riot police...

EU Says ‘Yes’ To Data Protection Regulations
EU Says ‘Yes’ To Data Protection Regulations
December 16, 2015  |  International

Long-awaited data protection regulations were officially passed into law by the European Union on Tuesday (Dec. 15). According to The New York Times, the changes...