faster payments

Faster Payments Service (FPS) is a UK banking initiative to reduce payment times between different banks' customer accounts from the three working days that transfers take using the long-established BACS system, to typically a few seconds.


Sizing Up Banks’ Payment Investment Plans
Sizing Up Banks’ Payment Investment Plans
May 03, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Think FIs are living in the past? A new report from ACI Worldwide, in conjunction with Ovum, finds banks of all types are deep in...

SEPA Wide Instant Payments Gains (Some) Bank Support
SEPA Wide Instant Payments Gains (Some) Bank Support
April 20, 2016  |  International

EBA Clearing, a Paris-based provider of pan-European payment infrastructure, announced yesterday (April 19) that it has the support of 40 financial institutions for the creation of...

Payments UK Launches One-Stop Shop Standards Service
Payments UK Launches One-Stop Shop Standards Service
April 20, 2016  |  International

The trade association for the British payments industry, known as Payments UK, said on Tuesday (April 19) that it has debuted a “new one-stop shop”...