FICO score

Citigroup’s 3% Branded Card Spend Growth Driven by Higher FICO Consumers
Citigroup’s 3% Branded Card Spend Growth Driven by Higher FICO Consumers
July 12, 2024  |  Earnings

Citigroup’s earnings results showed a bit of bifurcation in consumer spending, as higher credit scoring individuals continue to use their cards and lower FICO consumers...

Discover and Capital One Card Delinquencies Point to Pressures for Prime, Near-Prime Consumers
Discover and Capital One Card Delinquencies Point to Pressures for Prime, Near-Prime Consumers
December 18, 2023  |  Credit Cards

Card delinquencies and charge-offs offer evidence of the struggles of meeting current obligations. They can also be a harbinger of spending slowdowns in the future....

Consumers’ Openness to Payment Options Drives Better Credit Scores
Consumers’ Openness to Payment Options Drives Better Credit Scores
December 05, 2022  |  Payment Methods

Consumers willing to try something new at checkout could boost their credit scores. This at a time when new findings in the report “New Payment Options:...

LendingClub President: FICO’s New Model Won’t Save A Credit Scoring ‘Dinosaur’
LendingClub President: FICO’s New Model Won’t Save A Credit Scoring ‘Dinosaur’
January 24, 2020  |  Consumer Finance

In lending, in determining whether credit is likely to be repaid by a borrower, the devil is in the details. What if the details are...

Nav CEO On Breaking SMB Financing’s ‘Black Box’
Nav CEO On Breaking SMB Financing’s ‘Black Box’
February 18, 2019  |  Alternative Finances

Starting a business in the United States requires being courageous, someone who embraces the idea of success as a long shot. In fact, to be...

Experian ‘Boost’ Improves FICO Scores Via Data
Experian ‘Boost’ Improves FICO Scores Via Data
December 19, 2018  |  Financial Inclusion

Experian has announced the launch of Experian Boost, a free online platform that allows consumers to potentially boost their credit scores in an instant. Through...

Finding A Better Credit Fix For Near-Prime Customers
Finding A Better Credit Fix For Near-Prime Customers
May 15, 2018  |  Alternative Finances

Fair Square Financial entered the financial services world a few years ago with two observations about why the world needed another non-bank lender. The first being that...

Why Regulation Won’t Fix Credit Reporting Agencies
Why Regulation Won’t Fix Credit Reporting Agencies
September 18, 2017  |  Regulation

Some of the most memorable television commercials of the 1970s and 1980s were those promoting E. F. Hutton’s brokerage services. When its tagline, “When E....

Consumer Credit: Privilege Or Entitlement?
Consumer Credit: Privilege Or Entitlement?
August 25, 2017  |  Debt

There isn’t much that can be said about the “average” American credit user in 2017 because, as it turns out, there really isn’t one. According...