Fraud Prevention

Fraudsters: They’re Just Like Us!
Fraudsters: They’re Just Like Us!
November 25, 2015  |  Security & Fraud

Chances are that the things on consumers’ holiday wish lists this year are exactly what fraudsters’ wish for too. Michael Reitblat, Co-founder and CEO of...

eBay Enterprise Exposes Retail Holiday Fraud Vulnerabilities
eBay Enterprise Exposes Retail Holiday Fraud Vulnerabilities
November 19, 2015  |  Security & Fraud

Fraud experts at eBay Enterprise released the results of the omnichannel commerce provider’s Holiday Fraud Index, which shows that criminals are evolving the methods in...

Ad Industry Group Joins The Fight Against Fraudsters
Ad Industry Group Joins The Fight Against Fraudsters
October 30, 2015  |  News

The Trustworthy Accountability Group, an initiative created on behalf of the advertising industry to combat online criminal activity in digital advertising, announced yesterday (Oct. 29)...

Zero Touch Authentication
Zero Touch Authentication
October 30, 2015  |  Security & Fraud

Last year, more than $4 trillion worth of merchandise was lost to shopping cart abandonment, which hurts issuers and merchants alike. Nick Craig, VP of...

The Real-Time Payments Reality Launches
The Real-Time Payments Reality Launches
October 27, 2015  |  News

What happens when a-bank owned leader in payments fraud prevention and risk management, announces the acquisition of the largest U.S. bank-owned, real-time digital payments network?...