Friendly Fraud

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Fighting First-Party Fraud
What Small Businesses Need to Know About Fighting First-Party Fraud
June 25, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

The opportunities have never been greater, and the challenges more challenging, for America’s small businesses. And with the news that small and-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) could...

Card Disputes Projected to Jump 40% as Friendly Fraud Persists
Card Disputes Projected to Jump 40% as Friendly Fraud Persists
June 19, 2024  |  Credit Cards

Shoppers are reportedly getting increasingly comfortable disputing credit card charges. That’s because consumers have discovered how easy it is to do so, the Wall Street...

Most eCommerce Merchants Recognize Innovation’s Potential in Curbing Fraud
Most eCommerce Merchants Recognize Innovation’s Potential in Curbing Fraud
January 12, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

The digital age has ushered in unprecedented opportunities for business growth, but it has also given rise to increasingly sophisticated fraudulent activities. From friendly fraud...

Visa Wants to Eliminate Friendly Fraud Without Alienating Honest Consumers 
Visa Wants to Eliminate Friendly Fraud Without Alienating Honest Consumers 
January 09, 2024  |  Fraud Prevention

Friendly fraud is a bit of a misnomer; first-party card misuse would be more accurate. That’s because, just like other types of fraud and cybercrime, friendly...

Amazon Sues ‘International Fraud Organization’ Over Phony Returns
Amazon Sues ‘International Fraud Organization’ Over Phony Returns
December 10, 2023  |  Amazon

Amazon has sued an international group known as REKK for allegedly stealing millions via fraudulent returns. The suit, filed last week in U.S. District Court in...

Mastercard Targets Friendly Fraud With First-Party Trust Program
Mastercard Targets Friendly Fraud With First-Party Trust Program
October 23, 2023  |  Fraud Prevention

Mastercard has launched a program designed to help merchants battle “friendly fraud.” The company’s First-Party Trust program, announced Monday (Oct. 23), employs “enhanced transaction insights,” artificial intelligence (AI),...

Visa: New Fraud Dispute Rules Will Save Merchants ‘Billions’
Visa: New Fraud Dispute Rules Will Save Merchants ‘Billions’
September 28, 2023  |  VISA

Visa says it has made it easier for merchants to fight so-called “friendly fraud.” The payments giant on Thursday (Sept. 28) announced an update to its dispute process...

Visa: Compelling Evidence 3.0 Will Blunt ‘Friendly’ Fraud
Visa: Compelling Evidence 3.0 Will Blunt ‘Friendly’ Fraud
April 17, 2023  |  Security & Fraud

Transaction disputes are massing across digital channels. Mike Lemberger, head of risk for North America at Visa, told PYMNTS that friendly fraud, also known as...

Banks Find Item-Level Receipt Data Key to Fighting Friendly Fraud
Banks Find Item-Level Receipt Data Key to Fighting Friendly Fraud
March 20, 2023  |  Data

With privacy top of mind for most consumers, opting into using receipt data may require collection transparency. Item-level receipt data integration has gained increasing attention....