Friendly Fraud

How Data Analysis And Communication Get To The Bottom Of Chargeback Claims
How Data Analysis And Communication Get To The Bottom Of Chargeback Claims
September 11, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Chargeback options are meant to protect consumers, but shoppers also sometimes file claims over purchases they simply don’t recall or don’t want to pay for....

Why Fighting Fraud Means Looking Beyond The Transaction
Why Fighting Fraud Means Looking Beyond The Transaction
July 02, 2020  |  Fraud Prevention

Consumers’ commerce patterns have been very much upended in the past few months and shifted heavily to digital. On the upside, this digital gold rush...

Mastercard’s Playbook On Fighting Online Fraud’s Big Surge
Mastercard’s Playbook On Fighting Online Fraud’s Big Surge
May 05, 2020  |  Security & Fraud

The shift to online commerce in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic is unprecedented. We’re doing more of everything online, especially transacting. Subscriptions, groceries, even...

Deep Dive: Clean And Friendly Fraud Play Dirty
Deep Dive: Clean And Friendly Fraud Play Dirty
December 20, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraud comes in many forms, and the fight against it never ends. Fraudsters pretending to be someone else generally take one of two approaches: They...

Deep Dive: How QSRs Can Curb Chargeback Woes
Deep Dive: How QSRs Can Curb Chargeback Woes
December 19, 2019  |  Mobile Order Ahead

Bank and credit card chargebacks are valuable tools, keeping consumers safe from credit card thieves, hackers and unscrupulous merchants. The Truth in Lending Act, signed...

How AI Helps Priceline Ground Fraudsters, Lets Customers Take Off
How AI Helps Priceline Ground Fraudsters, Lets Customers Take Off
December 18, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Fraud continues to plague the digital world, despite the fortunes spent to curb it. Industries that operate solely online are some of the most vulnerable...

Caribou Coffee Spills The Beans On Customer Loyalty In The Mobile Age
Caribou Coffee Spills The Beans On Customer Loyalty In The Mobile Age
December 17, 2019  |  Mobile Order Ahead

Consumers’ preference for mobile order-ahead is now driving how physical restaurants are designed and renovated. Nowhere is this change more pronounced than in the coffee...

QSRs Fight Back Against Friendly Fraud
QSRs Fight Back Against Friendly Fraud
November 14, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

Over the last several decades, issuers and card networks have worked hard to educate consumers on a single point: If a fraudster steals their card...

Why Friendly Fraud Is Anything But Friendly
Why Friendly Fraud Is Anything But Friendly
November 05, 2019  |  Fraud Prevention

While there is little good to be said about criminal fraudsters who plague merchants by stealing credentials to snag goods with absolutely no intention of...