In the world of retail, a prominent theme revolves around optimizing savings during the shopping experience. According to the latest PYMNTS Provider Ranking of Coupon...
MedImpact and GoodRx have partnered to deliver lower prices on prescriptions at the pharmacy counter. The collaboration will integrate GoodRx’s prescription pricing into MedImpact’s pharmacy benefit manager...
GoodRx says it wants to offer health professionals greater insights into their patients’ insurance coverage. The digital prescription platform on Wednesday (Aug. 30) announced the debut of...
The healthcare system can be hard to navigate, but figuring out prescriptions doesn’t have to be that way. That’s why PYMNTS put together our Provider Rankings...
GoodRx is focusing on building relationships with retail pharmacies and finding new ways to help them manage their pricing margins and growth targets. The digital prescription...
Americans are faced with the challenge of managing their medications, from pricing to adherence. A new solution from GoodRx, called Medicine Cabinet, aims to help simplify this...
Healthcare app GoodRx says it has a new way for users to stay on top of prescriptions. The company on Thursday (July 27) released “Medicine...
CVS Caremark and GoodRx have announced the upcoming launch of a program to help members pay lower out-of-pocket prices on generic medications at the pharmacy counter. The new Caremark...
As digital prescription platform GoodRx moves to steady the ship in choppy waters by appointing former GoDaddy CEO Scott Wagner as interim CEO in April, its co-founders concede that...