independent software vendors

Half of Software Sector Marketplaces Cite Operational Upgrades as Top Innovation Priority
Half of Software Sector Marketplaces Cite Operational Upgrades as Top Innovation Priority
January 31, 2024  |  Innovation

Payment facilitators (PayFacs), independent software vendors (ISVs) and marketplaces find themselves in an era where navigating a fiercely competitive eCommerce landscape, filled with interrelated opportunities...

75% of ISVs and Marketplaces Plan to Enhance Existing Payment Capabilities
75% of ISVs and Marketplaces Plan to Enhance Existing Payment Capabilities
January 30, 2024  |  Payments As A Service

Creating new sources of income is key to business growth, and payment features are becoming a key component in doing so. For instance, independent software...

Software Sector PayFacs Drive 47% More Digital Wallet Payments Than in Retail
Software Sector PayFacs Drive 47% More Digital Wallet Payments Than in Retail
January 23, 2024  |  Digital Payments

In an era dominated by digital transactions, the seamless integration of payments into the end-customer experience is no longer a mere preference; it’s now a...

Payroc Launches Cloud-Based Payment Solution for Independent Software Vendors
Payroc Launches Cloud-Based Payment Solution for Independent Software Vendors
January 16, 2024  |  Payments Innovation

Payroc has introduced a PayByCloud solution aimed at simplifying omnichannel payment integrations for independent software vendors (ISVs). This cloud-based solution eliminates the need for ISVs to...

Nearly 3 in 5 PayFacs Exclusively Support Digital Payments Online or Via an App
Nearly 3 in 5 PayFacs Exclusively Support Digital Payments Online or Via an App
November 14, 2023  |  Digital Payments

The payments industry is undergoing a transformation, largely driven by the rise of payment facilitators, or PayFacs. These entities streamline the acceptance and processing of...

New Report Finds Embedded Payments Now Table Stakes for Software Companies
New Report Finds Embedded Payments Now Table Stakes for Software Companies
November 06, 2023  |  Payments As A Service

  Improving customer experience has become a market trend across industries. Companies strive to improve payments and cater their businesses to customer bases that value...

ISVs Must Get Merchants To ‘Virtual’ Points Of Interaction (And Payments)
ISVs Must Get Merchants To ‘Virtual’ Points Of Interaction (And Payments)
April 30, 2020  |  API

Against the larger backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, shelter-in-place orders and shuttering of businesses, people have been staying at home. Because of this, Bjorn Ovick,...

How ISVs Can Use Data To Fast Track Merchant Value
How ISVs Can Use Data To Fast Track Merchant Value
April 23, 2020  |  Data

Can software providers — independent software vendors (ISVs) and payment facilitators (PayFacs) among them — help their merchant clients pivot as they scramble to reinvent...

ISVs Help Merchants Make The Digital Pandemic Pivot — With Data
ISVs Help Merchants Make The Digital Pandemic Pivot — With Data
April 09, 2020  |  Merchant Innovation

To paraphrase Winston Churchill, when you find yourself going through tough times, keep going. The current coronavirus pandemic seems interminable. The loss of life and...