Interest Rates

China Tops Treasurers’ List Of Worries
China Tops Treasurers’ List Of Worries
September 30, 2016  |  B2B Payments

A new survey by JPMorgan finds corporate treasurers consider China’s recent currency exchange rate reforms to have had the most impact on their businesses. Reports...

Consumer Confidence Up — What About Spending?
Consumer Confidence Up — What About Spending?
September 27, 2016  |  Consumer Insights

The economist in all of us can appreciate consumer confidence. If consumers are more confident, especially after the last recession, would they be more willing...

Central Bank Conundrums Bode Ill For (Most) Stocks
Central Bank Conundrums Bode Ill For (Most) Stocks
September 14, 2016  |  Banking

Live by the central banks, die by the central banks. The age of easy money and low interest rates — and, in some cases, negative...

The Political Factor Weighing On SMEs’ Minds (It’s Not Brexit)
The Political Factor Weighing On SMEs’ Minds (It’s Not Brexit)
September 14, 2016  |  B2B Payments

Analysts quarreled over how the U.K. referendum would impact the markets, but immediately after the nation voted to leave the European Union, it was too...

Bankers Tell Fed: Raise The Rate
Bankers Tell Fed: Raise The Rate
September 13, 2016  |  Banking

When the Federal Reserve ticked the interest rate up to 0.25 for the first time in a decade last December, it was something of big...

Irish Alt-Lender Has Interest Rate Change Of Heart
Irish Alt-Lender Has Interest Rate Change Of Heart
September 05, 2016  |  B2B Payments

An Irish marketplace lender has decided to change its business model in favor of fixed interest rates. Reports on Friday (Sept. 2) revealed Linked Finance...

Brexit As A Bank Boon
Brexit As A Bank Boon
August 09, 2016  |  International

The Brexit vote may be well in the rearview mirror, but the effects linger, in the form of interest rates, political reverberations and, last but...

Beyond US Economy, Brexit And Cyberthreats On Top Of Fed’s Mind
Beyond US Economy, Brexit And Cyberthreats On Top Of Fed’s Mind
June 22, 2016  |  Security & Fraud

Brexit. Recession. Cyberthreats. It’s a thankless job, one assumes, being a central banker. In testimony before Congress on Tuesday (June 21), Fed Chair Janet Yellen said that...

Slowing Consumer Credit – A Shape of Things to Come?
Slowing Consumer Credit – A Shape of Things to Come?
June 08, 2016  |  Payment Methods

Amid the lingering questions about when and whether the Fed will raise rates, another data point, or slew of them, came through recently which may...