
Icahn Gets Apple Pay Math Wrong
Icahn Gets Apple Pay Math Wrong
October 10, 2014  |  Apple Pay

It’s way above my pay grade to weigh in on Carl Icahn’s proposal to Apple to accelerate its share buybacks. But the letter made for good reading,...

Over 50 iOS 8 Mobile Security Holes Fixed
Over 50 iOS 8 Mobile Security Holes Fixed
September 18, 2014  |  Mobile

The specs of the new mobile operating system release from Apple Wednesday (Sept. 17) disclose 53 security vulnerabilities—all supposedly fixed—including some that would have allowed...

Most Mobile Apps Will Fail Security Test Next Year
Most Mobile Apps Will Fail Security Test Next Year
September 16, 2014  |  Mobile

Analyst firm Gartner has issued a report predicting that 75 percent of mobile apps, by next year, will flunk even most rudimentary of security requirements....

BlueSnap Encryption Ready For iOS 8
BlueSnap Encryption Ready For iOS 8
September 10, 2014  |  News

BlueSnap has upgraded its client side encryption API to support iOS 8. “With iOS 8 due for release, we moved ahead of the curve to...

Apple To Get Rebates From Issuers on Fees
Apple To Get Rebates From Issuers on Fees
September 05, 2014  |  Controversial

Apple has reportedly negotiated deals with several leading issuers to extend card present rates to Apple for all transactions involving their cards with Apple’s new...