The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.


Will Satellites Bring 5G Into The (Literal) Stratosphere?  
Will Satellites Bring 5G Into The (Literal) Stratosphere?  
February 10, 2021  |  Innovation

Say the word “satellite,” and perhaps those broadcast network dishes that dot the sides of buildings come to mind. Or maybe Sputnik. Perhaps what doesn’t...

Ushering In A New Era Of Intelligent Warehousing
Ushering In A New Era Of Intelligent Warehousing
February 03, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The current economy is placing unprecedented pressure on the warehouse. Be it the surging volumes of eCommerce in both the B2C and the B2B arenas,...

How ‘Internet Of Systems’ Can Drive SMB Finance Transparency
How ‘Internet Of Systems’ Can Drive SMB Finance Transparency
February 01, 2021  |  B2B Payments

The Internet of Things (IoT) has ushered in a new era of the digital economy. Centered around breaking down silos, IoT technology not only encourages...

New Toshiba Commerce System Offers Retailers ‘Amazon Go At Scale’
New Toshiba Commerce System Offers Retailers ‘Amazon Go At Scale’
January 14, 2021  |  Retail

For many retailers, the digital shift was hobbled by legacy IT systems and integration complexities. Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions CEO Rance Poehler told Karen Webster...

Are Smart Cities Still A Smart Bet Amid ‘Urban Flight’ And The Pandemic?
Are Smart Cities Still A Smart Bet Amid ‘Urban Flight’ And The Pandemic?
December 30, 2020  |  Innovation

The pandemic has pressured corporate top lines — and as a result, leaves less money to go around to fund innovation, especially for tech-focused firms....

Connected Homes: WEF Report Shows Commerce Center For Consumers Helps Environment
Connected Homes: WEF Report Shows Commerce Center For Consumers Helps Environment
December 21, 2020  |  Commerce Connected

Of all the things shifted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of home has perhaps been the most changed. Home is quite literally where everything...

Amazon Sidewalk Eyes IoT Beyond The Connected Home
Amazon Sidewalk Eyes IoT Beyond The Connected Home
September 24, 2020  |  Amazon Innovations

Call it “home connectivity beyond the home.” eCommerce giant Amazon announced new details this week about Amazon Sidewalk, its bid to create a distributed (localized) IoT network. Amazon...

EU Probe Into IoT Targets Siri, Alexa Over Data Collection
EU Probe Into IoT Targets Siri, Alexa Over Data Collection
July 16, 2020  |  Regulation

Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa and other voice-activated assistants are on the hot seat as one of the world’s largest regulatory bodies takes aim at the...

Pandemic And Conspiracy Theories Delay 5G At Retail
Pandemic And Conspiracy Theories Delay 5G At Retail
June 11, 2020  |  Retail

One of the unsung casualties of the pandemic for retailers may be 5G technology and its rollout. Its proponents had Christmas visions of dressing room...