
The Tipping Point For Instant Digital Payouts To Restaurant Workers
The Tipping Point For Instant Digital Payouts To Restaurant Workers
March 24, 2020  |  Faster Payments

The last few weeks have been hard times for the restaurant industry in the U.S. — big chains and mom-and-pop joints alike are closing their...

Digitizing Servers’ Daily Tips
Digitizing Servers’ Daily Tips
May 06, 2019  |  Disbursements

With 90 percent of diners at full-service restaurants paying with cards, cash ends up in short supply when waitstaff want to cash out at shift’s...

Why Restaurant Workers Want Digital Tips On The Payout Menu
Why Restaurant Workers Want Digital Tips On The Payout Menu
May 03, 2019  |  Disbursements

Traditional payment practices are rapidly being retired as faster disbursement solutions become available. From the gig economy to small businesses (SMBs) and the restaurant industry,...

If Cash Won’t Die, Why Not Manage It Better Digitally?
If Cash Won’t Die, Why Not Manage It Better Digitally?
March 15, 2019  |  Cash

Cash is a survivor. Cash will likely outlive us all. Sure, among many consumers (including younger people), dollar bills, C-notes and the like stand almost...