
A lender is an individual, a public or private group, or a financial institution that makes funds available to another with the expectation that the funds will be repaid. In finance, a loan is the lending of money by one or more individuals, organizations, or other entities to other individuals, organizations etc. The recipient incurs a debt and is usually liable to pay interest on that debt until it is repaid as well as to repay the principal amount borrowed.

Source: en.wikipedia.org

Lenders Worry About SME Debt Levels
Lenders Worry About SME Debt Levels
January 10, 2018  |  Loans

Firms that lend money to mid-sized businesses in the U.S. are growing worried about the levels of debt these companies have compared to a year...

Equifax Credit Freezes Worry Lenders
Equifax Credit Freezes Worry Lenders
October 02, 2017  |  Security & Fraud

The Equifax hack is worrying U.S. lenders, who fear their consumer loan and credit card businesses could be hurt if scores of people lock or...

Lenders Needed Double As Much Cash Ahead Of Irma
Lenders Needed Double As Much Cash Ahead Of Irma
September 18, 2017  |  Cash

Lenders that were in the path of Hurricane Irma in the U.S. moved to get twice as much cash as normal last week, which resulted...

CFPB’s Change Of Payday Lending’s Heart?
CFPB’s Change Of Payday Lending’s Heart?
August 29, 2017  |  Alternative Finances

The final payday lending rules are coming, but reporting by The Wall Street Journal over the weekend suggests that they may not take quite the toll on...

Today in Data: U.K. Lender Prodigy’s U.S. Expansion Funding
Today in Data: U.K. Lender Prodigy’s U.S. Expansion Funding
August 22, 2017  |  Today In Data

It can be argued that one of the highest costs to expanding professional careers is that of funding student loans. Post-primary schooling can be one...

PayPal Acquires Swift Financial To Expand SMB Lending Options
PayPal Acquires Swift Financial To Expand SMB Lending Options
August 11, 2017  |  Partnerships / Acquisitions

The Great Recession had a crippling effect on credit markets across the board. Consumers, enterprise-sized businesses and small businesses (SMBs) all found themselves caught in...

Indonesian FinTech Launches App For Individual SME Investors
Indonesian FinTech Launches App For Individual SME Investors
July 24, 2017  |  B2B Payments

An Indonesia-based alternative lender is turning to the mobile device to attract small business investors. Reports Friday (July 21) said Mitrausahua Indonesia Group, which operates...

CFPB Arbitration Rule Dominates Regulatory News
CFPB Arbitration Rule Dominates Regulatory News
July 17, 2017  |  CFPB

The CFPB opens the door to class action suits, and possibly trial lawyer riches, while across the pond, some warnings on regulatory compliance rumble, and...