Merchant Innovation

Bringing The Video Store Back In The Age Of Netflix
Bringing The Video Store Back In The Age Of Netflix
January 09, 2018  |  Retail

Seeing a movie at the Alamo Drafthouse is a unique cinematic experience — which is saying something, given that movies are a fairly stereotyped affair....

Amazon Forges Deeper Avenues In Digital Advertising
Amazon Forges Deeper Avenues In Digital Advertising
December 27, 2017  |  Amazon

Amazon has found another avenue through which to compete with other tech giants like Google: digital advertising. According to news from CNBC on Tuesday (Dec. 26),...

Starbucks Premiers First AR Experience
Starbucks Premiers First AR Experience
December 20, 2017  |  Retail

Those who like their coffee with a shot of augmented reality (AR) are in luck at Starbucks — if they happen to be in Shanghai,...

Hitting Reset On Real World Retail Design
Hitting Reset On Real World Retail Design
December 12, 2017  |  Retail

Brick-and-mortar retail is often written off as a casualty of the digital age, but the numbers tell a different story. While there are a variety...

Facebook Rolls Out New Messaging App … For Kids
Facebook Rolls Out New Messaging App … For Kids
December 05, 2017  |  Facebook

Facebook is looking to get consumers hooked at a young age by rolling out a new messaging app for kids between the ages of six...

Amazon Wants Pets To Be Loved (And Bought For) Too
Amazon Wants Pets To Be Loved (And Bought For) Too
December 05, 2017  |  Retail

Amazon customers can now buy retail goods for every member of their family on the site’s marketplace — including their pets. The eCommerce giant has...

J.Crew Doubles Down On Digital As Sales Fall
J.Crew Doubles Down On Digital As Sales Fall
December 04, 2017  |  Retail

J.Crew — responding to years of declining retail sales and closing stores — is leaning heavily on online shopping channels as it attempts to reestablish itself with...

Yes, Soup For You (And Everyone Else)
Yes, Soup For You (And Everyone Else)
December 04, 2017  |  Retail

“No soup for you!” It’s a phrase that became an instant classic the moment viewers first heard it on a Seinfeld episode 22 years ago....

New iOS Release Includes Apple Pay Cash
New iOS Release Includes Apple Pay Cash
December 04, 2017  |  Apple Pay

After months of speculation, Apple Pay Cash is out in the wild. The new feature came with the iOS 11.2 update that first appeared overnight...