Merchant Innovation

American Girl’s New Flagship Store Could Be Experiential Retail Model
American Girl’s New Flagship Store Could Be Experiential Retail Model
May 16, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

When most retailers talk about retooling their brick-and-mortar locations to chase some shade of experiential retail, it’s all about adding more multimedia distractions on top...

Retail Bedfellows Roundup: eBay Gets Busy, Alibaba Gets Angry (Birds)
Retail Bedfellows Roundup: eBay Gets Busy, Alibaba Gets Angry (Birds)
May 13, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

It might have made sense, according to the rules of retail a decade ago, to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but the...

Walmart Fine-Tunes Free Shipping To Take On Amazon
Walmart Fine-Tunes Free Shipping To Take On Amazon
May 13, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Taking on Amazon isn’t usually a safe bet in retail. has struggled ever since (and possibly before) being crowned the next new “Amazon killer,”...

READ MORE > Takes On Amazon’s Fresh Takes On Amazon’s Fresh
May 12, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

As retailers look for any way they can boost revenue, selling food products and fresh groceries, no matter the original vertical, is increasingly a safe...

Amazon Is Driving The Final Nail Into B&M Home Improvement’s Coffin
Amazon Is Driving The Final Nail Into B&M Home Improvement’s Coffin
May 10, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

It was one thing when Amazon was selling physical things, but the game changed the moment it started offering services, too. Ripples were promptly sent...

PayPal Adds Return Shipping Cost Coverage To Reduce Online Friction
PayPal Adds Return Shipping Cost Coverage To Reduce Online Friction
May 10, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Even online retailers that have dabbled in free returns know the financial toll that can take on a small business’ bottom line. However, charging customers...

‘Uber Of Planes’ BlackJet Clips Its Wings — For Good
‘Uber Of Planes’ BlackJet Clips Its Wings — For Good
May 06, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

It’s said that the true sign of wealth is when it’s not necessary to run to catch planes anymore because private jets suddenly wait for...

Apple Seeks New Innovation Blood From Google X Founder
Apple Seeks New Innovation Blood From Google X Founder
May 05, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Now that Apple’s less-than-stellar earnings report has had time to propagate throughout the industry, the commonsense takeaway is that the company has lost a piece of...

Target Tells Suppliers To Shape Up Or Pay Up
Target Tells Suppliers To Shape Up Or Pay Up
May 05, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

It’s not uncommon for large retailers to have dozens upon dozens of firms working in tandem to support their complex omnichannel interests, and naturally, some...