Merchant Innovation

Rent the Runway CEO Says Unlimited Fashion Is In
Rent the Runway CEO Says Unlimited Fashion Is In
March 30, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

If there’s a single trend that’s dominated fashion over the last few years — outside of whatever they’re putting out in Milan these days —...

Walmart’s Feeding America Campaign Encourages Omnichannel Giving
Walmart’s Feeding America Campaign Encourages Omnichannel Giving
March 29, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Walmart isn’t exactly synonymous with humanitarian efforts, but in the age of socially conscious consumers and brand activism, it might just be good business to...

Can ‘Keurig Of Wine’ Save Vintages, Sales From Going Stale?
Can ‘Keurig Of Wine’ Save Vintages, Sales From Going Stale?
March 29, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Ten years from now, pundits will remark on how lucky those drinkers were to live through such a renaissance period for craft beers and locally distilled...

READ MORE > Founder Lands At eBay Founder Lands At eBay
March 28, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

A business failing today just doesn’t hold the same gravity as it used to. Whereas careers used to be ruined, they’re just set back temporarily...

Why Chocolate Melts eCom’s Heart
Why Chocolate Melts eCom’s Heart
March 28, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Though brick-and-mortar retailers might disagree, eCommerce is supposed to make things simpler. Without the need to pay as much in overhead or labor, profits should...

Target Gives Shoppers What They Want — Just Not Much
Target Gives Shoppers What They Want — Just Not Much
March 25, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Somewhere out there, brick-and-mortar retail executives are pulling their hair out in frustration that every day there seems to be yet another successful startup that...

Adobe’s Idea For Gimmick-Free In-Store Tech
Adobe’s Idea For Gimmick-Free In-Store Tech
March 25, 2016  |  Merchant Innovation

Though every brick-and-mortar retailer and its grandmother are chattering about how nice it would be to have the same kind of personalization technology that makes...