Merchant Innovation

McDonald’s And The Death Of The Dollar Menu
McDonald’s And The Death Of The Dollar Menu
December 31, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

The “fast food” moniker has gained something of a negative reputation as health and fitness trends have exploded in recent years, but at least McDonald’s...

LG Takes On Amazon Echo
LG Takes On Amazon Echo
December 31, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

Imitation might be the sincerest form of flattery outside of the retail world, but within it, releasing a product that practically calls attention to its...

Massdrop Group Commerce Startup Gets Users Involved
Massdrop Group Commerce Startup Gets Users Involved
December 31, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

More startups are trying to claim a slice of the DIY pie than ever before, but instead of sending shoppers kits so they can put...

A Startup To Save Retail’s Supply Chain Soul
A Startup To Save Retail’s Supply Chain Soul
December 30, 2015  |  Controversial

If there’s anything that retail should learn from the now-deposed king of social media outrage Martin Shkreli, it’s that consumers always have a line they...

Does India’s eCommerce Boom Need A Reality Check?
Does India’s eCommerce Boom Need A Reality Check?
December 29, 2015  |  International

The dotcom boom of the 1990s fooled many investors into believing that the digital revolution would lead to an unending source of profit and revenue,...

Staples Doubles Down On SMB Price Match Policy
Staples Doubles Down On SMB Price Match Policy
December 29, 2015  |  Consumer Insights

In the fight between in-store retailers and their digital counterparts for customers’ wallets, it’s more often than not the former that sets the pace with...

What Does The ‘Pink Tax’ Say About Retail’s Quest For Profit?
What Does The ‘Pink Tax’ Say About Retail’s Quest For Profit?
December 29, 2015  |  Consumer Finance

Shakespeare famously wrote that “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” but that poetic sentiment doesn’t quite translate when it comes to...

Delivery Delays Claim Christmas Casualties
Delivery Delays Claim Christmas Casualties
December 28, 2015  |  Controversial

Just about every retailer entered the 2015 holiday shopping season beating their chests with increasingly ambitious shipping options for hard-to-please consumers. This year may go...

Canadian Retail Going Strong (Eh)
Canadian Retail Going Strong (Eh)
December 24, 2015  |  International

American retailers have had nothing but bad news since the holiday shopping season kicked off, but that doesn’t mean the same sad song is playing...