Merchant Innovation

eBay Enterprise Enhances Omnichannel Experience
eBay Enterprise Enhances Omnichannel Experience
December 03, 2015  |  Mobile Commerce

Ask a hundred retail marketers what they think omnichannel marketing means, in detail, and the answers are liable to range from data-driven details to idealistic...

Restoration Hardware Creates (In-Store) Home Away From Home
Restoration Hardware Creates (In-Store) Home Away From Home
December 01, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

In-store retailers have always pained themselves over how to best show off their top-sellers to prospective customers. With eCommerce nipping at brick-and-mortar merchants’ heels, though,...

Subscription Services Revive Deep Holiday Discounts
Subscription Services Revive Deep Holiday Discounts
December 01, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

After a brief yet intense romance with the daily deal and discount-based promotions, various retailers have backed off from offering blanket price reductions. Many have...

South Korea Warms Up To Online-Only Banks
South Korea Warms Up To Online-Only Banks
December 01, 2015  |  Mobile Commerce

Entrepreneurs and industry standbys from South Korea have been at the forefront of developments in the consumer electronics and mobile device markets, but recent news...

Is Amazon Behind This Secretive Ohio Air Cargo Op?
Is Amazon Behind This Secretive Ohio Air Cargo Op?
November 30, 2015  |  Controversial

Luck favors the bold in life and in retail, and no company lives by this maxim more than Amazon. Granted, being an industry leader means that...

Empty Malls Show A Retail Age Gone By
Empty Malls Show A Retail Age Gone By
November 26, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

There’s no doubt that Americans are fond of shopping, and during the prosperous ’80s and ’90s, a web of strip malls, mini malls and shopping...

Target’s Supply Chain Turnaround
Target’s Supply Chain Turnaround
November 26, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

History has a tendency to repeat itself regardless of how people try to change it, but retailers that sit back without fixing the problems of...

Can AI Search Help eCommerce’s Choice Paralysis Problem?
Can AI Search Help eCommerce’s Choice Paralysis Problem?
November 26, 2015  |  In Depth

When retailers don’t have to worry about stocking shelves and clearing room in the back for more inventory, how many items should they put up...

Apple’s iBeacon: Fizzle or Sizzle?
Apple’s iBeacon: Fizzle or Sizzle?
November 25, 2015  |  Merchant Innovation

As successful as Apple has been with most of its product launches, it still has some products that haven’t taken off, such as Apple’s beleaguered iBeacon...