Consumers face tricky decisions when they want or need items that they cannot easily afford to pay for at once. Shoppers in the United States...
Merchants that wish to avoid lost sales and unhappy customers must have the most up-to-date information for the final steps of delivery. Inaccurate addresses, in...
Digital fraud is a long-running problem for merchants, retailers, banks and businesses of all types. Account takeovers and shipping fraud increased by 347% and 391%,...
We’ll be happy, all of us, to leave 2020 in the rearview mirror. But for payments, the new year will dawn with a combination of...
Many American consumers are feeling the financial squeeze as the holiday shopping season goes on and will be turning to flexible spending plans to help...
eBay is launching a new grant program to support small businesses this holiday season, committing to give $500,000 to 50 businesses, the company announced in...
Open banking regulations and proposals have progressed worldwide in recent months. Lawmakers in China, Singapore and Thailand, for example, have all either upgraded or recently...
SMBs that have survived the impacts of the pandemic are now confronting new hurdles: winter and a potential second COVID-19 wave. In the 2021 New...